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https://www.terribleposture.com/tower-of-guns/ [ 1 ]
A terrible FPS semi-roguelike game.
Procedurally-generated levels. Extraordinarily unfairly unnecessarily hard. Not fun at all.
I ended up getting a refund.
2015-06-13 - (version not recorded) on Windows (version not recorded)
2015-06-13 - (version not recorded) ∞
This game is garbage, Total Biscuit lied.
It is not a circle-strafe game, since you have no idea where the melee stuff comes from.
It's completely, utterly impossible.
I see no progress in the game. Play a few doors, get to the boss and die. Why do bosses regenerate guns somehow? Where do the adds come from? How do I funnel them?
Die. Newly-generated stuff. Play. Die. There's no progress to be had. There's not even a grind to get and level guns, so playing and dying is just done with the same old stuff, with no hope of getting better stuff to help you not die some more.
I regret this thing cost money.
Last updated 2022-11-02 at 03:07:26
- was http://www.towerofguns.com/ [ ↩ ]