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(on Wikipedia)
was focusfeatures.com/selfless [ 1 ]
An dying old rich man has his mind transferred to a younger body, and learns the dark secrets of the process.
Overall a good movie. It's not particularly science-fictiony, but it does explore an interesting topic.
See also Freejack - (1992 movie)
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2015-12-28 ∞
- Oh, it's Ben Kingsley. I like him.
- 4:45 -- Shedding.
- I think they're in New York City.
9:25 -- "Dr. Francis Jensen" is not an actual article on Wikipedia.
- Also, this scene is brought to you by Wikipedia.
14:05 -- It's not hard to determine if he's missing anything. Put him through an MRI.
- Why bring it up more than once if it's not immediately important?
- 19:30 -- Philosophy of mind, Mind–body problem
- 21:00 -- Is the drug is a way to control the transplanted?
This reminds me of Limitless - (2011 movie).
- Like it, I too would be setting aside pills to study and reproduce them. I would also assume it's addictive and have those structures in place. On top of that, I wouldn't assume I have financial control over the assets I set aside, so I would be redirecting them. I would have already had a significant scaffolding in place as a "safe house" of sorts, complete with the infrastructure of staff and the like. I'd have bodyguards on call, and staff and the like. Hell, I'd also be working to track down this guy and his technology, knowing that it works I'd want to have it and to be able to re-use it in the future to secure possible-immortality.
- If I were the company, I would have a honey trap in place, to keep an eye on him.
- 25:30 -- I'd also have a best friend in place.
- 27:20 -- He's retired and wealthy so of course she's all over him.
- 31:20 -- Obvious side-effects are obvious. It appears that his body already has a life whose memories are coming back to him.
- 34:10 -- This scene is also brought to you by Google.
- 34:20 -- St. Louis, Missouri, Brighton, Missouri, United States
- 35:00 -- Oh good, he did have something stashed.
- The actual water tower is in Garyville, Louisiana, Louisiana, United States (source)
- 38:00 -- Oh those country folk who don't lock their door.
- 41:30 -- Called it.
- 47:20 -- Obvious horse getaway is obvious.
- 47:50 -- Obvious grate under the house getaway is obvious.
- Oh, I didn't call the horse. Partial marks for the grate, I guess. But that one was easy.
- 50:40 -- A fire department call, that quickly? Unlikely.
- 51:30 -- Happy Birthday to You
- 53:10 -- I would have been tracking the vehicle. Doesn't it have OnStar or some such?
- 55:30 -- Well of course the two are the same. How incredibly obvious is that?
- 57:00 -- I wonder if the two memory sets could co-exist.
- Why wouldn't he tell her everything? Oh, because "he" wants to "live".
- 58:30 -- Baton Rouge, Louisiana
- 1:00:00 -- Dementia
- I wonder if Albright visits her to give her drugs to give/keep her dementia.
- 1:03:00 -- Alzheimer's disease
- 1:10:00 -- Oh good, I called these.
- 1:14:00 -- Where did those floatation devices come from? Also, why would her mom leave her with him?
- 1:16:00 -- No. Just no.
- 1:17:30 -- Yep, let's leave the kid alone some more. Hey, is that a Roomba?
- 1:19:00 -- Oh, his friend is also a Shedder.
- I didn't call that.
- I still don't see the moral dilemma. It's all voluntary, though there's a much more complex issue when it comes to the lack of consent of a child.
- 1:23:40 -- The shoot his tires out. He crashes. They kill him. Roll credits.
- 1:24:40 -- Why wouldn't they properly box him in?
- 1:25:45 -- Obvious chicken swerve that whips the hitched-car into the other car is obvious.
- 1:29:30 -- Called it.
- 1:31:00 -- Very good idea.
- 1:40:30 -- That's not cover.
- 1:42:00 -- I wasn't going to list the ingredients on the piece of paper, and I won't list them now. Although.. did he say peanut butter?
1:50:10 -- "Daddy!" (steps on a jellyfish)
Last updated 2022-09-03 at 06:29:24
- references to the movie seem to be largely removed from their website! [ ↩ ]