(on Wikipedia)
Chocolatey: IrfanView and irfanviewplugins
A venerable picture viewing tool. Can also view other media with plugins.
- 2022-11-16 - Semi-replaced by Oculante since that is cross-platform.
- 2021-06-05 - 4.58 64bit (and plugins) on Windows 10
- 2019-09-15 - 4.53 64bit (and plugins) on Windows 10
- 2018-03-24 - 4.51 64bit (and plugins) on Windows 10
- 2017-11-22 - 4.50 64bit (and plugins) on Windows 10
- 2016-11-18 - on Windows 10
2016-11-18 - ∞
Installed with Chocolatey:
- IrfanView (Install)
IrfanView All Plugins (Install)
choco install irfanview choco install irfanviewplugins
2016-02-15 - 4.41 ∞
- Can't rotate images without exiting fullscreen.
Uses Ghostscript for PDF viewing, which didn't work for me.
- I tested this a fair time earlier than this though, so maybe it was fixed before now.
- As of 2016-02-10 or a little earlier, file associations on Windows 10 is broken. See this thread (in German).
It appears there is no way to entirely disable the video playing functionality. It has to be set up to either play it internally or externally with a plugin. I want to have a directory of mixed files and be able to pagedown through them and not have a video trying to fucking play.
Usage and troubleshooting ∞
Change gif playback speed ∞
control shift +
/ control shift -
[WONTFIX, WORKAROUND] - Changing hotkeys ∞
The developer has not budged on this feature request since at least 2016.
It should be possible with AutoHotkey. Here's an example with notepad.exe
which you could adapt:
Tested 2023-04-09 with AutoHotkey 2.02 on Windows 11
#IfWinActive, ahk_exe notepad.exe ; Only applies to a Notepad.exe window ^t:: ; Pressing Control-t Send, ^n ; Sends Control-n Return #IfWinActive ; End of window-specific hotkeys
Viewing High Efficiency Image File Format (HEIF) images ∞
Before running the .bat
(as administrator), move the .dll
file to where you want to permanently house it.
Alternatives ∞
- /tag/image-viewers
- Oculante
- FastStone Image Viewer
Not checked out: https://www.xnview.com/
Last updated 2024-05-23 at 17:27:20
Using 4.53 because the plugins for 4.51 couldn't load an svg I had. It was valid code, but whatever..
updated to 4.58, noting that it's in the kit
replacing with [[oculante]]
hotkey remapping re-investigation
Added HEIF viewing.