Linux distributions + Gentoo >
(on Wikipedia) [ 1 ] was
A Linux distribution. A Linux system rescue disk.
- Note - If you just want to repair your boot loader, try boot-repair.
I'm sure an updated version will use systemd, as Gentoo now does.
- 2021-02-16 - systemrescue-7.01-amd64.iso on my Dell Inspiron 11 3180 via ventoy-1.0.35 LiveUSB.
- 2017-09-25 - x86-5.1.0
- 2017-09-24 - x86-5.1.0
- 2016-10-14 - x86-4.8.3
- 2016-04-26 - x86-4.7.2
2017-09-25 - x86-5.1.0 ∞
- Tried to prepare a USB stick using UNetbootin 655.
Not bootable.
2017-09-24 - x86-5.1.0 ∞
The installer didn't generate a bootable stick.
2016-10-14 - x86-4.8.3 ∞
- Downloaded the SystemRescueCD installer v2.0.0
- Their installer is a piece of shit, and their install instructions aren't related to it.
Got Linux Live USB
seems to work just fine
2016-04-26 - x86-4.7.2 ∞
- Prepared using MultiBootUSB.
- Took a very long time to boot up.
Tested with MultiBootUSB's QEMU, and in the end I didn't have a mouse. I'll assume it's working fine and I'll keep it on that USB stick.
2016-03-24 - x86-4.7.1 ∞
- Very easy to get on a USB stick!
- Creating a document on the desktop, then double-clicking it, brings up
. It should bring up Geany. -
.. for a system rescue cd, I don't see any tools for rescuing a system.
Putting the .ISO on a USB stick ∞
2016-10-14 - Linux Live USB was tested and works.
Simple method ∞
2016-03-24 - Tested and works.
_usb=/dev/sdb _iso=systemrescuecd-x86-4.7.1.iso \sudo \umount $_usb \isohybrid $_iso \dd if=$_iso of=$_usb bs=4M \sync
Alternate method ∞
(using dd)
_usb=/dev/sdb _iso=systemrescuecd-x86-4.7.1.iso _mountpoint=/mnt/mnt \sudo \umount $_usb \sudo \mount -o loop,exec $_iso $_mountpoint \mkdir --parents $_mountpoint \cd $_mountpoint \bash ./ \cd - \sudo \umount $_iso
Last updated 2021-02-16 at 10:14:43