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https://dslackw.gitlab.io/slpkg/ [ 1 ]
A Slackware source-based package manager.
Easy to use.
NOTE - you don't have to have slpkg installed to compile a SlackBuild-supported program from source.
- Instructions are below.
2016-03-25 - 3.1.2, on Slackware 14.1
2016-03-25 - 3.1.2 ∞
on Slackware 14.1
Manually compiling a program using its SlackBuild script ∞
Make sure you're logged in as root. If you aren't, do \su --login
In this case, we'll build and slpkg using it's build script.
\wget -c "slackbuilds.org/slackbuilds/14.1/system/slpkg.tar.gz" \tar -xvvf slpkg.tar.gz \cd slpkg \less geany.info # Find the `DOWNLOAD=` line. My example had # DOWNLOAD="https://github.com/dslackw/slpkg/archive/v3.0.5.tar.gz" \wget -c "github.com/dslackw/slpkg/archive/v3.0.5.tar.gz" \chmod +x ./*.SlackBuild ./slpkg.SlackBuild # It will create the .tgz file in /tmp # This example creates /tmp/slpkg-3.0.5-i486-1_SBo.tgz \installpkg /tmp/slpkg-3.0.5-i486-1_SBo.tgz
You may wish to keep /tmp/slpkg-3.0.5-i486-1_SBo.tgz
for easy reinstallation.
The above instructions are universal to installing any SlackBuild software. You don't have to have slpkg installed to compile something from source with one of their build scripts.
To finish slpkg's installation, update it:
\slpkg update \slpkg update slpkg
List installed packages ∞
\slpkg -l sbo --installed \slpkg -l slack --installed
You could also do some equivalent of:
\ls /var/log/packages | \grep SBo
Find an application ∞
\slpkg -l sbo | \grep rxvt
Find an installed application's name ∞
\slpkg -l slack --installed | \grep kde-base-artwork
Removing an application ∞
- Find an installed application's name
Remove it (use just the base name)
\slpkg -r kde-base-artwork
Check your system's health ∞
If you've been randomly removing things, check the health of your packages:
\slpkg health
Last updated 2022-08-16 at 00:45:17
- was github.com/dslackw/slpkg [ ↩ ]