(on Wikipedia)
A commandline file fetching and Mirroring program.
A core part of every Linux distribution. Essential, for when Lynx is just too terrible to use, and there's nothing else.
- 2016-03-28 - 1.14 (linux-gnu), on Slackware 14.1
- 2016-03-28 - 1.15, on Lubuntu 14.04.4 LTS
is found pretty much everywhere, and I've had it in my toolkit for probably every single distribution since the 90s.
2016-03-28 - 1.14 (linux-gnu) ∞
Comes installed, probably including it's install CD, but I didn't check.
2016-03-28 - 1.15 ∞
Comes installed on Lubuntu, including it's liveCD
GNU Wget 1.15 built on linux-gnu. +digest +https +ipv6 +iri +large-file +nls +ntlm +opie +ssl/openssl
Usage ∞
\wget --continue example.com/filename.ext
Downloading a range of files ∞
See Bash for the range function. Then at the commandline you can do:
for i in $( range 1 9 ); do wget example.com/dir/file$i.ext;done
(this should be doable with seq
This does:
wget example.com/dir/file1.ext wget example.com/dir/file2.ext wget example.com/dir/file3.ext wget example.com/dir/file4.ext wget example.com/dir/file5.ext wget example.com/dir/file6.ext wget example.com/dir/file7.ext wget example.com/dir/file8.ext wget example.com/dir/file9.ext
I don't currently see a way to do this downloading in the background. Try Screen.
As I understand, wget explicitly does not support a range feature itself. They just want to make your life hard.
Last updated 2020-11-08 at 21:36:27