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I'm pretty big on tower defense games.
These are some random notes which I'm putting up to get them out of my hair.
Protector IV.V ∞
Protector IV.V is really great. I'll write my thoughts in a separate post.
Bloons 5 ∞
Right now i've been playing Bloons 5.
It's pretty good, but all plays are either too easy or too hard. There's no actual struggle.
Levelling units is nicely done, and the abilities are varied and interesting. The different daily maps are usually pretty good.
A ninjakiwi.com account is needed to save your games and get some extras. I recommend it.
Starland Multiplayer TD ∞
Some gameplay screenshots, showing some ideas for unit placement which I was either playing with or had seen in action.
Other games ∞
- Gemcraft
- Gemcraft Chapter 0
Bubble Tanks Tower Defense
- https://armorgames.com/play/4962
- Very challenging, but once you've figured things out it can be quite easy.
Elite Forces Defense
- https://web.archive.org/*/www.towerdefensegames.com/game/Elite+Forces+Defense
- Impossible unless you know what units to use. Then it's a complete boring pushover. Needs to have its mechanics reworked. Needs flash 9.
Elite Forces Defense, updated
- https://www.kongregate.com/games/Badim/elite-forces-defense
- Much MUCH harder. Yay.
Elite Forces Conquest -- Updated!
VR Defender 3k
- http://www.andkon.com/arcade/missiledefender/vrdefendery3k/
- https://armorgames.com/play/1016
- Impossible, even on the easiest setting. I've tried multiple times with various tactics and it just gets too brutal because the second wave always comes too quick. Wave 41 kicks the crap out of me. But then you figure things out way more, and basically cheat.. but it's still not really a polished "doable" game as such. Still quite interesting.
- 404: vrdefendery3k.com
Flash Element TD 2
Super Energy Apocalypse
- https://www.kongregate.com/games/larsiusprime/super-energy-apocalypse
- Resource RTS game
inbox ∞
I've played these
- https://armorgames.com/play/5826/necronator
- https://armorgames.com/play/4270/the-competitor
- https://armorgames.com/play/4272/daytraders-of-the-dead
- https://armorgames.com/play/3917/vector-boom
- https://armorgames.com/play/421/oroboros
- https://armorgames.com/play/2675/phage-wars
- https://armorgames.com/play/3764/savior-tower-defense
404 ∞
For reference.
- was onslaught.playr.co.uk/
- Very well polished. Seems easy, but then it gets insane. Then you use combos and kick butt. Then it keeps bringing too many waves and lags you a lot. But you kick butt. And then you can't figure out how to do more damage, because the "big weapons" are all single-target and suck ass. So more combos, and more combos? But.. uh..
Vector TD -- seems easy, really hard..
- was www.candystand.com/play/vector-td
Vector TD 2 -- seems easy, really hard..
- www.candystand.com/play/vector-td-2
Vector TD X -- Impossible..
- www.candystand.com/play/vector-tdx
Hex Tower Defence -- A ripoff/update of Vector TD
- www.towerdefence.net/games-101-Hex_Tower_Defence.php
Flash Circle TD
- www.candystand.com/play/flash-circle-td
- Needs flash 9 I think. Kindof straightforward, very polished.. but very boring.
Missile Mayhem
- www.defendthetowers.com/missilemayhem.html
- freaking hard
- Flash Element TD -- Kindof simple and boring.
Resources ∞
- www.defendthetowers.com/
Last updated 2021-01-21 at 03:05:54