TODO - absorb World of Warcraft addon notes
Projects > World of Warcraft >
This has pretty much always been out of date, and I stopped playing a long time ago. Having said that, this is a useful rabbit hole for historical research and private servers.
You might want to see my list of "live" addons.
See also:
- Lua is the programming language they are written in.
- My World of Warcraft UI
- World of Warcraft technical notes
Resources ∞
- [ 1 ] [ 2 ]
- Addon Creator
- A search engine for the insides of Addons!
Places with addons ∞
- Lists recent updates from the major places, in a nice simple format.
Intention ∞
My intention is to list all the addons I use, but from the perspective of problems being solved. So there will be questions, each with the solution I currently use and any other solutions and comments I may have.
This will only be a master list with brief summaries. When I complete a review for any particular item, that review will become a new page and the entry in this list will link to it.
I link to curseforge/wowace directly, and not This is so that any projects which go "inactive" will still have a valid link. I also use the curseforge/wowace subscription feature to email me updates.
I prefer curseforge/wowace over wowinterface when a project exists on both places. This is generally because actual development files (e.g. an svn/git repository) are on curseforge and I can do a nice daily file change email notification on curse. It's certainly nothing to do with getting a free premium account. Seriously, I don't know what premium actually does anyways.
AddOns will be listed with the name as it is on its project page. For every addon I will also list the actual folder names underneath, if they're different. Then I'll list all the embedded libraries. Lastly any non-embedded dependencies, patch information or other notes. If for some reason there are embedded libraries or dependencies which themselves have dependencies, I'll list those too.. (eww)
- I may have missed some loose libraries in the root of the addon folder.
- I may have done too-aggressive search/replace on some library names, removing dots. Whoops.
Lib Data Broker addons will generally have these dependencies: CallbackHandler-1.0.lua, LibDataBroker-1.1.lua, LibStub.lua
- I trust tekkub enough to not worry about having many addons all with these libraries embedded. Everyone else, however, not so much. I hope everyone was using the proper version/revision of the libraries.
Ace has a crapload of libraries. That's the whole point. You'd think that all the addons using the same name of library wouldn't be an issue, but apparently there are subtle differences in many addon's embed of ace or other libraries. I don't know what impact that has. I ranted on why embedding addon libraries is stupid. TODO - import that topic
Addons to try ∞
- - add notes to items
Transmog ∞
- disabled
- IllusionPreview
- Extended Transmog UI
- Tier Token Tooltip
- Would have been great for streaming!
UI addons ∞
- Buttons
- [Dominos, Dominos_Cast, Dominos_Config, Dominos_Roll, Dominos_Totems, Dominos_XP]
- Dominos/libs/[AceAddon-3.0, AceConsole-3.0, AceDB-3.0, AceEvent-3.0, AceLocale-3.0, CallbackHandler-1.0, FlyPaper, LibKeyBound-1.0, LibStub]
- Dominos_XP/libs/[LibSharedMedia-3.0]
- TODO: Test the sub-modules that I've been ignoring: cast, roll, totems
- Numbers and border colouring. Works with Dominos.
- How do I customize my unit frames? (PitBull Unit Frames 4)
- How do I customize my buttons and create new bars? (Dominos)
- Since I hide regular UI elements (with Dominos), I use this to give me quick access to the GM "?" button.
- User Interface, unit frames
(See also Buttons, above)
- PutGuildBack
PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
- [PitBull4, PitBull4_Aggro, PitBull4_AltPowerBar, PitBull4_Aura, PitBull4_Background, PitBull4_BlankSpace, PitBull4_Border, PitBull4_CastBar, PitBull4_CastBarLatency, PitBull4_CombatFader, PitBull4_CombatIcon, PitBull4_CombatText, PitBull4_ComboPoints, PitBull4_DogTagTexts, PitBull4_DruidManaBar, PitBull4_Eclipse, PitBull4_ExperienceBar, PitBull4_HappinessIcon, PitBull4_HealthBar, PitBull4_HideBlizzard, PitBull4_Highlight, PitBull4_HolyPower, PitBull4_HostilityFader, PitBull4_LeaderIcon, PitBull4_LuaTexts, PitBull4_ManaSpark, PitBull4_MasterLooterIcon, PitBull4_PhaseIcon, PitBull4_Portrait, PitBull4_PowerBar, PitBull4_PvPIcon, PitBull4_QuestIcon, PitBull4_RaidTargetIcon, PitBull4_RangeFader, PitBull4_ReadyCheckIcon, PitBull4_ReputationBar, PitBull4_RestIcon, PitBull4_RoleIcon, PitBull4_Runes, PitBull4_SoulShards, PitBull4_Sounds, PitBull4_ThreatBar, PitBull4_Totems, PitBull4_VisualHeal, PitBull4_VisualHeal5, PitBull4_VoiceIcon]
- PitBull4/libs/[AceAddon-3.0, AceConfig-3.0, AceDB-3.0, AceDBOptions-3.0, AceEvent-3.0, AceGUI-3.0, AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets, AceHook-3.0, AceLocale-3.0, AceTimer-3.0, CallbackHandler-1.0, LibDataBroker-1.1, LibDBIcon-1.0, LibDualSpec-1.0, LibSharedMedia-3.0, LibStub, SimpleSticky.lua]
- PitBull4_Aggro/libs/[LibBanzai-2.0]
- PitBull4_DogTagTexts/libs/[LibDogTag-3.0, LibDogTag-Unit-3.0]
- PitBull4_VisualHeal/libs/[LibHealComm-4.0, LibWrapperHealComm-1.0]
- I don't use PitBull4_VisualHeal, I use PitBull4_VisualHeal5 (included with PitBull4)
- libs/[LibRangeCheck-2.0]
- Show health as full, when over 10k, on the Chimaeron boss fight.
- libs/[CallbackHandler-1.0, LibDataBroker-1-1, LibStub]
- Originally a LDB feed that displays a menu of all your LDB launcher plugins, it also lists each addon panel in the Blizzard interface, as well as each Waterfall configuration dialogs.
- [FluidFrames, Portfolio]
- Portfolio/Libs/[InterfaceOptionAboutPanel.lua, LibDefaults]
- Sometimes WoW freezes when moving a frame. I just wait and everything works again.
- alternatives:
-- Leatrix Plus
-- (gone, not archived) -
-- I hear 10.0 will introduce native functionality.
- removed for now
- probably pointless, and covered by FluidFrames
- DagAssist DataBroker
-- [DagAssist_DataBroker]
-- libs/[CallbackHandler-1.0, LibDataBroker-1.1, LibStub]
- DagAssist DataBroker
- libs/[AceConfig-3.0, AceDB-3.0, AceDBOptions-3.0, AceGUI-3.0, AceLocale-3.0, CallbackHandler-1.0, LibDataBroker-1.1, LibDBIcon-1.0, LibQTip-1.0, LibStub]
- A simple dropdown menu. Unfortunately the menu doesn't go away when you click on some other element in the field.
- A cast bar and global cooldown around the mouse.
- libs/[LibStub]
- alternate: CursorCastbar
- Broker_MicroMenu/libs/[CallbackHandler-1.0, LibQTip-1.0, LibStub]
- The url isn't a typo.
- How do I modify my cast bar?
[] AzCastBar
- [AzCastBar, AzCastBarOptions]
- Libs/[LibTableRecycler.lua]
- azCasBar Plugins
-- [acb_Auras, acb_BattleGround, acb_Cooldowns, acb_FlightTimes, acb_GlobalCooldown, acb_LootRoll, acb_Shaman, acb_Swing, acb_Threat, acb_Totems]
-- Libs/[AzDropDown.lua, AzOptionsFactory.lua] (probably all from the main azCastBar addon)
-- TODO: Play with the other plugins!
-- TODO: Disable not-needed plugins. So far I'm using only acb_CastBar, acb_Mirror
-- TODO: The plugins have their own embedded libraries. Ugh.
- How do I display Lib Data Broker (LDB) addons?
LDB Addons have no native UI. They all use a display addon to show information or give mouse-hover popups etc.
- [ChocolateBar, ChocolateBar_Options]
- ChocolateBar/libs/[AceAddon-3.0, AceConsole-3.0, AceDB-3.0, AceEvent-3.0, AceLocale-3.0, CallbackHandler-1.0, LibDataBroker-1.1, LibJostle-3.0, LibSharedMedia-3.0, LibStub]
- Nice and simple. One bar that stays out of the way unless my mouse is overtop of that region. I set it to a low strata so it's not so conflicting with other info which appears when I have something targeted.
- Good if you need much finer control. Multiple blocks of different sizes or orientations.
- Button Bin
- NinjaPanel
- tekblocks
- DockingStation
... and many more
- How do I change the shape of the play field to give black space for my bars, etc?
This is called a "viewport".
Viewporter -- TODO - link
- Allows one to alter the dimensions of the play field, creating black bars on the screen. Useful for zooming out or creating empty spaces to move ones buttons. No more "hiding" the play field with your UI elements!
- Replaced by a _DevPad script - TODO: Add.
- Later replaced by Leatrix Plus.
- Tooltips, Name Plates, Links
Tooltips are the things that appear when you click on or hover over certain items.
Name plates are what appear overtop of everyone's head if you turn that feature on (I think it's control-v
by default)
Links are clickable text that pop up a tooltip for that item.
- [Aloft, AloftCastWarning, AloftOptions]
Libs/[AceAddon-3.0, AceBucket-3.0, AceComm-3.0, AceConfig-3.0, AceConsole-3.0, AceDB-3.0, AceDBOptions-3.0, AceEvent-3.0, AceGUI-3.0, AceHook-3.0, AceLocale-3.0, AceSerializer-3.0, AceTab-3.0, AceTimer-3.0, CallbackHandler-1.0, LibBabble-Faction-3.0, LibDataBroker-1.1, LibFuBarPlugin-3.0, LibGratuity-3.0, LibSharedMedia-3.0, LibStub, TagCompiler-2.0]
LinkWrangler (1.7)
- slash commands are listed in
- a summary of stuff in changelog.txt
- [] LinkWrangler Companion
-- [LinkWranglerCompanion] - used for TipTac compatibility
- slash commands are listed in
- How do I automatically compare my equipped items with my mouseover item?
Also tekkub's addon
How do I display more than one item description at once? (LinkWrangler)
- How do I customize my mouseover tooltips?
- [TipTac, TipTacItemRef, TipTacOptions, TipTacTalents]
- TipTacOptions/Libs/[AzDropDown.lua, AzOptionsFactory.lua]
- The talents are available as a separate download: [] TipTacTalents
- Mostly replaced by Leatrix Plus
- notes
- Looks fantastic, but it's not working for me.. no idea why, removed.
Character information addons ∞
- Character information, Gear, Talents
- How do I show inspect information easily?
- Libs/[AceAddon-3.0, AceConfig-3.0, AceConsole-3.0, AceEvent-3.0, AceGUI-3.0, AceHook-3.0, AceLocale-3.0, AceTimer-3.0, CallbackHandler-1.0, LibBabble-Boss-3.0, LibBabble-Zone-3.0, LibReforgingInfo-1.0, LibStub]
At a glance you can see what's reforged or not enchanted. Yourself or others.
This also replaces InspectOffSpec.
- Elitist Group -- Give a breakdown of the gear of a person, their instance experience and more. Allows commenting which is either private or publically-sharable.
- Gearwulf
-- urr.. I can't find a link for it
-- [] The dev's old site, archive.
-- I have a copy saved locally. TODO: Cache it on the site.
- How do I more easily compare an item to what I'm wearing?
- [] RatingBuster
-- libs/[AceAddon-3.0, AceConfig-3.0, AceConsole-3.0, AceDB-3.0, AceDBOptions-3.0, AceEvent-3.0, AceGUI-3.0, AceLocale-3.0, CallbackHandler-1.0, LibBabble-Inventory-3.0, LibDualSpec-1.0, LibStatLogic-1.2, LibStub, LibTipHooker-1.1]
- How do I manage equipment outfits, and automate gear changes?
- Outfitter, but I now use macros and the default equipment manager.
-- I'd use outfitter if I needed automatic equipment changing when swimming, or a trinket queue.
- How do I play around with talent tree point distribution without actually respeccing?
An addon is no longer needed, as the default UI lets you play around before confirming.
- [] Talented
- How do I create talent templates, or copy tree suggestions from websites?
- [] Talented
- How do I easily learn someone spec?
- [] TipTacTalents
-- Used with [] TipTac
- [] CharScanner also does this.
- How do I know items/skills/etc of an alt without logging in with it?
- [] Altoholic
-- [Altoholic, Altoholic_Achievements, Altoholic_Agenda, Altoholic_Characters, Altoholic_Guild, Altoholic_Search, DataStore, DataStore_Achievements, DataStore_Agenda, DataStore_Auctions, DataStore_Characters, DataStore_Containers, DataStore_Crafts, DataStore_Currencies, DataStore_Inventory, DataStore_Mails, DataStore_Pets, DataStore_Quests, DataStore_Reputations, DataStore_Spells, DataStore_Stats, DataStore_Talents]
-- Altoholic/libs/[AceConfig-3.0, AceDBOptions-3.0, AceGUI-3.0, LibBabble-Boss-3.0, LibBabble-Faction-3.0, LibBabble-Inventory-3.0, LibBabble-Zone-3.0, LibDataBroker-1.1, LibTradeLinks-1.0]
-- DataStore/libs[AceAddon-3.0, AceComm-3.0, AceConsole-3.0, AceDB-3.0, AceEvent-3.0, AceLocale-3.0, AceSerializer-3.0, AceTimer-3.0, CallbackHandler-1.0, LibAboutPanel, LibPeriodicTable-3.1, LibStub]
-- DataStore_Containers/libs/[LibBabble-Inventory-3.0]
-- DataStore_Crafts/libs/[LibPeriodicTable-3.1-Tradeskill, LibPeriodicTable-3.1-TradeskillLevels, LibPeriodicTable-3.1-TradeskillResultMats]
-- DataStore_Inventory/libs/[LibBabble-Boss-3.0, LibBabble-Zone-3.0, LibPeriodicTable-3.1-CurrencyItems, LibPeriodicTable-3.1-InstanceLoot, LibPeriodicTable-3.1-InstanceLootHeroic]
-- DataStore_Reputations/libs/[LibBabble-Faction-3.0, LibBabble-Zone-3.0, LibPeriodicTable-3.1-Reputation]
-- (sortof, it's really awkward to use!) TODO: Replace?
- [] Armory
-- This contributed to a serious fps issue a while back, so I refused to use it.
-- Also installs some other naughty addon. Good enough reason to not use it.
Social addons ∞
- Chat, Social
Typing and the text you receive in the chat tabs. Friends list, ignore list. Notes and ratings of people.
- [] MuffinMOTD
-- /[CallbackHandler-1.0.lua, LibDataBroker-1.1.lua, LibStub.lua]
-- TODO: Play with the data broker functionality?
- [] WhoWhisperedMe
-- Does a /who
on anyone who whispers you.
-- /wwm
- [] StupidCashFlow
-- libs/[AceAddon-3.0, AceConfig-3.0, AceConsole-3.0, AceDB-3.0, AceGUI-3.0, CallbackHandler-1.0, LibStub]
- [] SignOn
- [] NeedyGreedy
-- libs/[AceAddon-3.0, AceConfig-3.0, AceConsole-3.0, AceDB-3.0, AceDBOptions-3.0, AceEvent-3.0, AceGUI-3.0, AceLocale-3.0, AceTimer-3.0,CallbackHandler-1.0, LibDataBroker-1.1, LibDBIcon-1.0, LibQTip-1.0, LibStub]
- [] [] friendswithbenefits
-- /[LibStub.lua, tekKonfigAboutPanel.lua]
- [] Karma
-- [Karma, KarmaBroker, KarmaDBAlliance, KarmaDBHorde, KarmaHistory, KarmaLFM, KarmaTrans]
-- KarmaBroker/Libs/[LibStub.lua, LibDataBroker-1.1.lua, CallbackHandler-1.0.lua]
- How do I customize my chat area?
- [] Prat 3.0
-- [Prat-3.0, Prat-3.0_HighCPUUsageModules, Prat-3.0_Libraries]
-- Prat-3.0_Libraries/[AceAddon-3.0, AceConfig-3.0, AceConsole-3.0, AceDB-3.0, AceDBOptions-3.0, AceEvent-3.0, AceGUI-3.0, AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets, AceHook-3.0, AceTab-3.0, AceTimer-3.0, CallbackHandler-1.0, LibAlts-1.0, LibDataBroker-1.1, LibDBIcon-1.0, LibSharedMedia-3.0, LibSink-2.0, LibStub]
-- Timestamps, colours (class colours, etc) and plenty more all in modules that can be enabled/disabled.
-- Also identifies its "high cpu usage" modules and you can choose to not load any of them if you're light on resources.
- How do I customize my whispers?
- [] WIM (WoW Instant Messenger) v3
-- I don't use it. I actually find it intrusive compared to making tabs just for whispers.
- How do I stop spam?
- [] BadBoy
- [] BadBoy_CCleaner: Filter Crap From Chat
-- [BadBoy_CCleaner]
- [] BadBoy_Guilded/
- [] BadBoy_Levels: Filter Whispers By Level
-- [BadBoy_Levels]
-- prevent lowbie characters from spamming you. A simple way to eliminate being bothered by noobs. Note that this prevents people from other servers making level 1 characters to chat with you. Such messages are silently ignored, so there's not even a way for them to know to just mail you. Hrm, this could be a bit harsh a solution..
- How do I remove pc/npc "chatter"?
- [] No More Duel/Drunk Spam
-- [NoDuelSpam]
- [] CorkIt
- [] BeQuiet
-- Out-of-date.
- How do I have typoed slash commands added into the chat history?
- [] TypoHistory
- How do I synchronize my ignore list between my alts?
- How do I ignore more than 50 characters?
- [] ImpIgnore
- How do i remove the "you have unlearned" and "you have learned" spam when I re-spec?
- [] SilentRespec
- [] DualSpec DeSpammer
-- [DSDS]
-- 2011-06-24 - This wasn't working for me, prompting the switch to SilentRespec.
- How do I subdue dps or healing meter spam?
- [] SpamageMeters
-- [AceAddon-3.0, AceConfig-3.0, AceConsole-3.0, AceDB-3.0, AceEvent-3.0, AceGUI-3.0, AceHook-3.0, AceLocale-3.0, AceTimer-3.0, CallbackHandler-1.0, LibStub]
- How do I remember chat between logins or reloadui?
- Short term memory
-- Sick of missing conversation after a '/console reloadui' ? This remembers the last lines of conversations and spits them back out when you log back in or your ui loads.
-- TODO: Am I using something else?
- How do I translate all of those acronyms?
Sick of all the acronyms? I can't remember any of them.
- [] AbbrevLink
-- Turns acronyms into level-coloured and clickable links which display the instance's info.
-- Very badly out of date. TODO: I'm thinking of updating this project myself.
- Prat and some other general chat addons have a substitute/replace type feature.
- other
- [] [] ChatColorSync
-- Synchronizes your custom colour choices for all your channels on all your characters
-- I don't use this, I don't use custom channel colours.
- [] RollTracker Lite
-- Keeps track of everyone's '/roll 100' commands in a simple window. Tracks duplicate rolls. No fluff whatsoever, it doesn't even have a "report winner" feature.
-- TODO: I really should use something like this again.
Travel addons ∞
- Map, Taxis, Boats
- [] Mapster
-- Removed for now. why did I want it? just for turning while looking at the map? I can do that now. Coordinates? That's a macro.
- [] InFlight Taxi Timer
-- [InFlight, InFlight_Load]
-- I find that I don't care anymore.
- [] FPSideBar
-- This is neat, but I'm removing it for now. I just don't need the information these days.
- How do I add notes to the map? (HandyNotes, HandyNotes_FlightMasters, HandyNotes_Directions, HandyNotes_Guild)
- Explorer Coords -- Tells you where on your map you need to run to get a specific area explored. Perfect for World Exporers.
- MapRuler -- On the world map, this gives you a line from your arrow reaching out to help you see where you're pointed. Helps afk flights.
- Mapster -- Remove hidden map areas, map notes.
- How do I learn how long a flight path will take? (InFlight Taxi Timer)
- How do I learn when the next boat will arrive? (Nauticus)
- How do I learn what recommended levels an area is?
- How do I learn what instances are in a particular area?
Really only useful when levelling.
- [] LevelRange
- [] PlayerZone
- Some map mods also work.
- MinimapZoom -- Use the mouse to zoom in/out of the minimap.
-- TODO: _DevPad script
-- I log in and have it auto-zoom out too (FIXME)
- style
- How do I organize all my minimap buttons into one group?
- Pulls all minimap buttons off of the map and into one tidy frame. Quit fiddling around with all of those buttons. Can also create/invent or remove specific buttons. For example, I remove the minimap zoom buttons. Has sorting options too. I scripted a hotkey to let me hide this frame entirely too, to get it totally out of the way if I wanted.
- [MinimapButtonFrame, MinimapButtonFrame_SkinPack]
- MinimapButtonFrame/libs/[AceAddon-3.0, AceBucket-3.0, AceComm-3.0, AceConfig-3.0, AceConsole-3.0, AceDB-3.0, AceDBOptions-3.0, AceEvent-3.0, AceGUI-3.0, AceHook-3.0, AceLocale-3.0, AceSerializer-3.0, AceTab-3.0, AceTimer-3.0, CallbackHandler-1.0, LibAboutPanel, libdatabroker-1-1, LibDBIcon-1.0, LibStub]
WANTED: How do I remove a particular addon's minimap button, if it doesn't give me that feature?
- How do I know who pinged the minimap?
TODO: (Ping Snitch - integrated into a _DevPad script)
- How do I get an arrow pointing in the game-field to where a person pinged in the minimap?
TomTom (the old one, not TomTomLite), TomTomPing
I don't use this anymore.
Combat addons ∞
- Combat, enemies, tactics, grouping, raiding
- The combat log
- Floating combat text (what's that stuff called?)
I don't work with it, but I do squelch some of it. (remove errors, for example)
- [] SmartRoleSetter
- [] Ghost: Recon
-- [GhostRecon]
-- As of 2011-07-24, needs modifications to work. TODO: Write that up.
- How do I know my threat?
There are different ways.
- The default WoW aggro screen flash will tell you when you have aggro.
-- But this is too late already. You want to not get threat in the first place.
- Name Plates will tell you when you have aggro.
-- But this is too late already. You want to not get threat in the first place.
- [] TidyPlates and perhaps other name plates addons can display aoe threat by picking up threat on mouseover targets. This is the only decent way to know aoe threat.
- [] TipTac can display threat, but this isn't convenient.
You can use a dedicated addon that does single-target threat display.
- [] Simple Threat Meter
-- [SimpleThreatMeter]
-- libs/[AceAddon-3.0, AceBucket-3.0, AceComm-3.0, AceConfig-3.0, AceConsole-3.0, AceDB-3.0, AceDBOptions-3.0, AceEvent-3.0, AceGUI-3.0, AceHook-3.0, AceLocale-3.0, AceSerializer-3.0, AceTab-3.0, AceTimer-3.0, CallbackHandler-1.0, libdatabroker-1-1, LibSharedMedia-3.0, LibStub]
- [] Threat Indicator
- [] Tidy Plates
- [] Tidy Plates - Threat Plates
-- be sure to use curse and not the abandoned wowinterface page.
-- Intelligently highlights bars based on threat. When in tank-mode, highlights anything not targetting you. When in dps-mode, highlights anything targetting you. Works in AoE situations.
-- can turn plates on/off automatically in combat, obsoleting tekautonameplates.
Skada has a meter
- How do I learn the range to my target?
Alternatives and misc:
- [] tullaRange
-- Red dots on your bars to indicate out-of-range.
- [] RangeX
-- Detect distances, buffs, spell cooldowns and their combinations.
-- Visualize your character abilities in real time to help you use the best actions you can.
- How do I easily manage my assist?
Assisting is _vital_ for making sure you're attacking the correct thing. For example, the tank's target, or your raid's main assist's target.
- How do I know when I've entered combat?
There are standard game features which can give you a notification. However, that functionality conflicts with tracking-swapping code done for combo miner-herbalists and needs to be turned off.
- How do I automatically
when entering combat?
- How do I know who started a combat?
(I can't remember the addon name.)
This will give a hint:
AceAddon-3.0, AceBucket-3.0, AceComm-3.0, AceConfig-3.0, AceConsole-3.0, AceDB-3.0, AceDBOptions-3.0, AceEvent-3.0, AceGUI-3.0, AceHook-3.0, AceLocale-3.0, AceSerializer-3.0, AceTab-3.0, AceTimer-3.0, CallbackHandler-1.0, LibStub
Solution Needed - There are addons which will issue a sound. This is exactly what I want, except I really don't need to be warned when I'm the one starting the combat in the first place. A solution has not been found.
Automatically turn on name plates when in combat. Then turn them off when out of combat.
- How do I know when I've pulled aggro? (single-target)
- How do I know when I've pulled aggro? (AoE)
- (Tank) How do I know when a mob has switched targets off of me?
There is a setting within the standard WoW interface which will show(?) combat text when a mob changes targets. (what's that kind of text called? in the play field)
- (Tank) How do I avoid taunting off of a tank instead of a dps/healer?
- (Tank) How do I know when a mob isn't targeting me?
(currently removed, I'm not tanking so much)
Displays a simple icon indicating what kind of target your current target is on: You, another tank, or other.
- How do I learn when a tank taunts?
- (Tank) How do I know if my taunt tarket is immune?
FYI, taunts no longer miss.
- WhoTaunted
Displays a simple text message about taunts. Displays a much more visible message when a taunt misses. (what about immunities?)
- (Tank) How do I know when a mob isn't targetting me? (AoE-tanking)
Name plates replacement (the bars over top of everyone's head).
Normally if you have threat the name plate for that mob is highlit. Configure TidyPlates so that anything not attacking you is highlit.
(TODO - threat plates)
Questing and grinding ∞
- Questing, Reputation
- [] [] Quelevel
-- Adds quest levels to the quest log, quest watcher, chat links and gossip frame.
- [] OneChoice
-- libs/[AceAddon-3.0, AceEvent-3.0, AceHook-3.0, CallbackHandler-1.0, LibStub]
-- Label quest rewards: Most valuable, ilevel changes, red-out unusable equipment.
- [] AcceptDailies
-- /ad all
to mindlessly accept any quest, not just dailies.
-- alternative: FastQuest
- [] TurnInEverything
-- Auto-turnin.
-- alternatives: Greedy Quester, FastQuest
- [] Quest Announce 3
-- [QuestAnnounce]
-- Libs/[AceAddon-3.0, AceConfig-3.0, AceConsole-3.0, AceDB-3.0, AceEvent-3.0, AceGUI-3.0, AceLocale-3.0, LibStub]
-- This is actually called "Quest Announce v4.2 stable" as of this writing. The curseforge title is old.
-- Don't mistake this for another addon called "Quest Announce 4"
-- Yes, the URL is correct, even though it says 2-0. =/
-- Removed. There's not much point now that tooltips give this information.
- Quest-o-matic -- TODO
-- replaced
- [] Factionizer
-- rep breakdown, quests available, dailies available. Really helps you grind rep.
-- The author stopped playing.
-- Removed for liteness, and since it'll fall into disrepair.
- LightHeaded
-- it isn't the same strata as the rest of the quest log - my flight timer shows through it but not the quest list or description panes.
-- Really bogged down my computer, to the point of sometimes hanging everything when I attempt to open the quest log. Replaced by a web browser. =p
- old quest helper notes
/qh treset center
/qh nag
/qh nag verbose
- /qh find "category" "query"
Allows you to create custom objectives by searching for known items, NPCs, and locations. The queries allow fuzzy string matching, and so should happly accept typos and partial matches.: Note that if you attempt to create an objective twice, it will instead hide it.
- /qh find item "item-name"
Search for items.
- /qh find npc "npc-name"
Search for NPCs or monsters.
- /qh find loc "zone-name" "x" "y"
Search for a location in a zone. You may also use a comma, should you feel the need to.
- /qh find loc "x" "y"
Search for a location in your current zone.
- /qh find "search-string"
Searches in all categories.
- /qh find
Invoking the find command without any arguments will instead display all your current user created objectives, allowing you to easily turn them off.
Tradeskill ∞
- reconsider: [] LilSparky's Workshop -- Gives you a breakdown of the value of your tradeskills.. for crafting and then vendoring, auctioning or disenchanting items.
-- LilSparky's Workshop adds auction-derived pricing information for trade skills right into the trade skill recipe frame. Each skill is evaluated for material costs and potential value of the item created. These two numbers are listed next to each skill in an easy-to-read format.
- [] GnomeWorks TradeSkill Frame [GnomeWorks]
-- too beta to use at the moment.
- How do I force an enchant to overwrite a current enchant without a prompt? (ForceEnchant)
-- although these days you should probably be enchanting on vellum.
Inventory, Items ∞
- [] [] StealYourCarbon
-- /[LibDataBroker-1.1, tekKonfig]
What will an ore be prospected into?
- [] Sifter
What will an herb be milled into?
- [] MillHelp
-- /script MILLHELP_HEADER = nil
-- [MillHelp, MillHelp_Glyphs]
-- TODO: What's the glyphs thing for?
What will an item be disenchanted into?
- [] GFW_DisenchantPredictor
-- Libs/[AceAddon-3.0, AceConfig-3.0, AceDB-3.0, AceDBOptions-3.0, AceGUI-3.0, CallbackHandler-1.0, LibStub]
How do I combine all bags into just one large one for my bags/bank?
How do I avoid having fragmented stacks in my bags/bank?
How do I sort items in my bags/bank?
Merchant ∞
- Corpses and Stores
Looting, Purchasing, Vendoring, Repairing
- [] Loot Filter
-- [LootFilter]
-- I very rarely use this, disabled.
- [] RepairBroker
-- libs/[AceLocale-3.0, CallbackHandler-1.0, LibQTip-1.0, LibStub]
- [] Scrap (Junk Seller)
-- [Scrap, Scrap_Merchant, Scrap_Options, Scrap_Visualizer]
-- Scrap/Libs/[Callbicas-1.0, ClassHandler-1.0, CustomTutorials-2.0, EmbedHandler-1.0, LibStub, Sake-1.0, Sushi-2.0, Unfit-1.0]
- When in a group, don't confirm disenchant rolls!
[] tekKrush
- [] GnomishVendorShrinker
-- /[tekFunks, tekKonfig]
- [] MiniLoot
-- TODO: My settings.
- [] _Corpse - lets you mouseover corpses and know if they're offline or not, including the opposing faction.
- How do I automatically not-loot or delete certain items from a corpse? (LootWhatIWant)
- How do I automatically sell greys/certain items? (Sell-O-Matic)
- How do I automatically purchase/re-stock certain items? StealYourCarbon - free refills replacement
-- /syc add [item] <number>
-- REPORT: When using /syc add
, it should swallow the command, so I don't have to hit escape.
-- alternatives [] buydropper
- DurabilityStatus -- One of the few old Cosmos addons that still has great use. Display the durability numbers overtop of your character frame's equipped items. Display a simple percentage damaged number. Warn when too damaged and you need to go repair. Repairs are automated via (TODO)
- Auction House, item value, trade skills
- [] LootMarketScrollFix
- [] TinyWideTradeSkills
- [] [] NutCounter
-- /[LibStub.lua, tekKonfigAboutPanel.lua, tekKonfigButton.lua]
- [] Cancelator
- [] auctionsnatch
- [] gnomishauctionshrinker makes the auction house into a scrollable list.
-- /[LibStub.lua, tekKonfigAboutPanel.lua]
- How do I make the entire auction house area scrollable with my mouse wheel? (LootMarketScrollFix)
- Auction Snatch -- Lets you build a list of items which are auto-scanned at the auction house. Anything under your price limits for your items is found and you can easily bid or buy. Optional auto-scanning, and even if on it can be disabled when you shift-right-click
on the auctioneer.
- [] AuctionLite
-- Libs/[AceAddon-3.0, AceConfig-3.0, AceConsole-3.0, AceDB-3.0, AceDBOptions-3.0, AceEvent-3.0, AceGUI-3.0, AceHook-3.0, AceLocale-3.0, CallbackHandler-1.0, LibStub]
-- Better auction house experience. Search better, buy in bulk, display auction prices in your tooltips, etc. Auctioneer is WAY too complex, this is nice and simple and clean. I've got major issues with incorrect auction price tooltips though, so I'm a bit confused as to what I've configured incorrectly.
- How do I learn if a pattern is sold at a vendor, and what it costs there?
- [] Swindler Preventer
-- [SwindlerPreventer]
Meta ∞
- General
- untested.
- libs/[LibSimpleOptions-1.0.lua, LibStub.lua]
- Bugged with Super Duper Macro. I can't rename an item. =/ Removed for now.
- add
both before and after a command to suppress any errors.
- add
- [SuperDuperMacro]
- Patch with
- Be sure to check around for other fixes as time goes on.
- How do I hide Lua errors?
You can disable Lua errors completely if you wanted, or you can use an addon to capture the bugs and display them at your leisure. Hiding your errors /is a very bad idea/, because you can never know when you have a misbehaving addon e.g. out-of-date or really broken.
- [] BugSack
-- Libs/[AceComm-3.0, AceLocale-3.0, AceSerializer-3.0, CallbackHandler-1.0, LibDataBroker-1.1, LibDBIcon-1.0, LibStub]
-- [] !BugGrabber
- How do I manage my addons better?
- Easily enable/disable addons
- load load-on-demand addons
- addon cpu/memory usage
- addon profiles
- [] TooManyAddons
-- [toomanyaddons]
- OptionHouse
-- /oh
or /optionhouse
- How do I get more addon information?
Mouseover on the computer icon to get some basic info.
- [] OptionHouse
-- memory usage
-- cpu profiling (cpu cycles)
- [] Warmup
he refuses to add it to his github or make the code change/update offered
-- May need modifications to work. I reported the changes but [ the ticket was closed with no update] and [ the github repository remains empty even after requesting to use it].
-- It auto-disables itself after you log in. You can reload your ui and keep it enabled for longer-term use, using /rlnd
-- Not used.
- How do I get more system information?
- other
- DynPerf -- performance improvement (meh, not using it these days)
- [] _DevPad/
-- [_DevPad, _DevPad.GUI]
-- _DevPad/Libs/[AceComm-3.0, AceSerializer-3.0, CallbackHandler-1.0, LibStub]
-- _DevPad.GUI/Libs/[FlyPaper, ForAllIndentsAndPurposes]
Misc ∞
- [] FishermansFriend
-- [AceConfig-3.0, AceConsole-3.0, AceDB-3.0, AceEvent-3.0, AceGUI-3.0, AceHook-3.0, AceLocale-3.0, AceTimer-3.0, CallbackHandler-1.0, LibStub]
- [] _Cursor
- [] Clique
-- [AceDB-3.0, CallbackHandler-1.0, LibStub, tekKonfigAboutPanel.lua]
- [] [] controlfreak
-- /[LibDataBroker-1.1, tekKonfig, WidgetWarlock]
- [] [] Buffet
- [] Broker_Cashflow
-- Broker_Cashflow/Libs/[AceAddon-3.0, AceConfig-3.0, AceDB-3.0, AceDBOptions-3.0, AceEvent-3.0, AceGUI-3.0, AceLocale-3.0, CallbackHandler-1.0, LibAbacus-3.0, LibDataBroker-1.1, LibQTip-1.0, LibStub]
- How do I avoid accidentally cancelling a rez?
- [] WrongButtonGoAway stops the escape and greys out the cancel button.
-- /wbga
- [] NoEscape
- How can I mount more easily?
A mount that just "does the right thing" depending on the area you're in. Flyable, swimming, indoors, outdoors, just mount you on the appropriate thing.
- [] Squire2
-- [Squire2, Squire2_Config]
-- libs/[AceConfig-3.0, AceDB-3.0, AceEvent-3.0, AceGUI-3.0, AceGUI-3.0-ActionSlotWidgets, CallbackHandler-1.0, LibMounts-1.0, LibStub]
- [ Mounty
- [] GoGoMount
- TODO: Basic scripting
TODO: My massive scripting solution.
- other
- [] BetterKeyBinding
-- [betterkeybinding]
- [] tekaccept
-- Auto-accept party invites from friends and guild members.
- [] Overachiever - achievement tools and tweaks
-- [Overachiever, Overachiever_Tabs, Overachiever_Trade]
-- Overachiever/libs/[LibBabble-Inventory-3.0, LibBabble-Zone-3.0, TjBagWatch.lua, TjDragIt.lua, TjOptions.lua, TjOptions.txt, TjSharedMediaDropDown]
-- achievement searching
- [] QuestLog Collapse
-- [QuestLogCollapse]
-- Make the quest log remember what items you collapse/expand
-- Removed, for simplicity.
- Guild Reminder -- Turns the guild message of the day (MOTD) into a popup to improve noticability
-- did I remove this? why? hrm, i have something that's doing this..
- GuildFilter -- Lets you search the guild roster.
-- was broken and I removed it a while back. TODO: check up on it
- [] Group Calendar 5
-- [GroupCalendar5]
-- Basic improvements on the calendar. Improved meeting setup. .. and most importantly it can show event times in your local time zone.
-- I don't need it for what I do. Also, altoholic has event reminders.
- How do I turn duels off?
- [] MicroDeclineDuel
- [] No More Duel/Drunk Spam
-- [NoDuelSpam]
- How do I automate re-buffing?
- Sound
- How do I browse-through and play game sounds?
- How do I lower or mute the game sounds when talking on vent/mumble/teamspeak/etc?
(this is built into .. windows 8.1 / 10 isn't it?
Class-specific ∞
Tried, and okay, but not going to use ∞
Adapt - Almost-Default Animated Portraits
- 2017-08-02 -- not bad
Last updated 2024-11-08 at 06:44:18
A tidge of formatting-correction, while I'm here. The formatting/correction of links also ought to be done one day. Just not today. Or ever.
Some rough editing. This is an ancient list that I'll continue to chip away at over the years.
Beginning to note addons I tried, liked well enough, but don't want to bother using.
poked again
split [[BuffBroker]] out.