Various acronym explanations I found on an post.
Some of them are off, but I kept things intact except for some formatting.
I don't know why I wrote this up.. I guess it was there to be done.
Not Gonna Lie
My Reaction When.
Alternate: YRW (Your Reaction When) - MFW
My Face When.
Alternative: YFW (Your Face When).
Sort of the same as BRW. - TIL
Today I Learned.
Alternative: YIL (Yesterday I Learned) - tl;dr
too long; didn't read.
Also, if someone ever says "teal deer" (usually used in RP communities), this is what they mean. - NSFW
Not Safe For Work (nudity or sex)
- OP
Original Poster
Shaking My Head
For The Win.
Alternative: FTL (For The Loss) - OC
Original Content
- dm;hs
doesn't matter; had sex
- inb4
In Before
Does Anyone Else
Sex Barbecue.
From what I gather, this is used as a facetious suggestion to a teenage pastime, which came from a bogus article on what kids are "really" texting.
Apparently, if you spell out s-o-c-k-s, it sounds like a Spanish phrase, "Eso si que es", which can be taken as "it is what it is". It's used instead of YOLO. Source:
Truth Be Told.
Alternate: TBH (To Be Honest) and TTYTT (To Tell YouThe Truth) - NSFB
Not Safe For Breakfast/Bedtime (particularly disturbing or gross)
Not Safe For Life/Lunch (the seriously disturbing crap that no one should be subjected to ever)
- GG
Good Game/Good Going.
Good Game is used in a lot of online games, whereas Good Going is more universal. Either statement can be used genuinely or sarcastically, depending on the situation. - IMO
In My Opinion.
Alternative: IMHO (In My Honest/Humble Opinion) - OMD
Oh My Damn
As Far As I Know.
Alternatives: AFAIR (As Far As I Recall/Remember) and AFAIC (As Far As I'm Concerned or As Far As I Care) - NBD
No Big Deal
If I Recall Correctly
- IKR?
I know, right?
Fixed It For You.
Alternative: FTFY (Fixed That For You) - ?/10
A false statistic, sort of like "9/10 dentists choose Crest".
"10/10 would cuddle." is a popular one for cute things.
Depicted: 10/10 would get eaten by the Ski Free monster. - IDK
I Don't Know
Badass Motherfucker
In Real Life
The More You Know
Your Mileage May Vary.
Usually used when something may contain objectionable material that some can handle better than others. - CSB
Cool Story Bro.
How I Feel When.
For Fucks Sake
Last updated 2018-10-12 at 12:42:34