Ruby >
Toolkits, libraries and more.
See also Ruby mentoring tools
Any old text editor will work for Ruby programming.
- RubyGems is the primary tool for libraries.
- rvm - Ruby Version Manager. Lets you have multiple installations of different versions of Ruby.
- Shoes - A GUI library.
- YAML - A data format. Good for converting Ruby objects into text that you can save to, and later retrieve from, text files.
GUI Toolkits/Libraries ∞
- In Testing:
- Seems nice and simple
- Contenders:
- The built in Tk crap? Does it still look fugly on Windows?
Ruby/FLTK (the Fast, Light, GUI ToolKit).
- Can do 3d via OpenGL.
- beginner tutorial
- Windows, and Tk.
- Cross-platform, but only works on Windows by using MinGW.
[?] Ruby/Tk
- Included within Ruby. I'm not sure if there's a home page.
- See also SpecTcl and GUI Builder
-- A GUI builder for Tcl/Tk. It features drag & drop widget creation and configuration of widgets through a GUI.
- Uses the Fox toolkit
- Uses the wxWidgets toolkit.
- Out of the running:
I have a lot of notes on projects that appeared to be dead when I last looked at them. These projects seem to be alive, but they're not what we're looking for.
- Windows-only.
- Mac-only.
- Linux-only.
- Web toolkit.
- Web toolkit.
- Korundum and QtRuby
- Linux-only?
STFL (Structured Terminal Forms Language/Library)
- For building console apps.
Multimedia development frameworks ∞
- (note that these are from Dec 2007)
- In testing:
Gosu - A 2D game development library.
- Not bad. Had issues with having too many objects at once slowing things down. It wasn't examined very closely.
- Candidates:
- Wraps the the Ogre Rendering Engine.
- Direct3D and OpenGL.
- Was impossible to get going.
- Was impossible to get going.
RUDL (Rubified or Rubyesque Directmedia Layer)
- Horrid website.
Ruby/SDL (ruby-sdl)
- Known to be slow for 3D. Fast for 2D though.
- Too intimidated by the other SDL-dependent libraries to try.
GUI Prototyping ∞
(nothing researched/found)
Packaging a script ∞
This is the preparation of whatever it takes to give to a non-technical non-Ruby person so they can use something you programmed. It includes, downloads or installs anything it needs.. be it a special environment, dependencies, Ruby, RubyGems, gem dependencies, any libraries, etc etc.
Shoes has
shoes -p
which lets one package a Ruby/Shoes script for any of Windows/OSX/Linux.
TODO: A linux solution? Right now I'd boot into Windows and use OCRA.
OCRA (OneClick Ruby Application Builder)
- Builds one-click Windows executables from Ruby source code.
- Forum
- Not examined.
Dead ∞
- Packaging ruby applications, not examined.
- Not updated since 2008. Seems to be dead.
- RubyScript2Exe transforms your Ruby application into a standalone, compressed Windows, Linux or Mac OS X (Darwin) executable.
- rubyscript2exe has problems with ruby-1.8.6 and later. It appears that for one reason or another it is no longer supported.
New RubyScript2Exe maintainer.
- Not tested.
- Requires Tar2RubyScript
Notes / Related ∞
- Resource Hacker™ has been designed to be the complete resource editing tool: compiling, viewing, decompiling and recompiling resources for both 32bit and 64bit Windows executables. Resource Hacker™ can open any type of Windows executable (*.exe; *.dll; *.scr; *.mui etc) so that individual resources can be added modified or deleted within these files. Resource Hacker™ can create and compile resource script files (*.rc), and edit resource files (*.res) too.
- Resource Hacker is a freeware utility to view, modify, rename, add, delete and extract resources in 32bit Windows executables and resource files (*.res). It incorporates an internal resource script compiler and decompiler and works on Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT, Win2000 and WinXP operating systems.
Last updated 2021-02-15 at 16:05:48