(on Wikipedia)
For a while, I used it for my Compiled Website project.
Table of Contents [hide]
Intro ∞
Hacks ∞
Using preproc to redo their bad markup language ∞
Yes, the order of these items is important!
lists ∞
% sensible lists - mediawiki-style %!PreProc: '^\*\*\*\ ' ' - ' %!PreProc: '^\*\*\ ' ' - ' %!PreProc: '^\* ' '- ' % sensible lists - using dashes %!PreProc: '^\-\-\-\ ' ' - ' %!PreProc: '^\-\-\ ' ' - '
* list 1 ** list 2 *** list 3 - list 1 -- list 2 --- list 3
(don't forget to put two blank lines at the end of a list)
indented lines ∞
% > is translated into a tab character, since I can't type tabs. % I'd prefer two spaces at the beginning of a line, but that messes with lists, and completely messes up the monospace idea. %!PreProc: '^>>> ' '\t\t\t' %!PreProc: '^>> ' '\t\t' %!PreProc: '^> ' '\t'
> indented >> more indented >>> even more indented
monospace lines ∞
% allow a single space to make the line monospace %!PreProc: '^\ ([^-|^ - ])' '``` \1'
This is monospace
separators ∞
% 20 characters for a separator line is INSANE. Let's do four (MediaWiki-style). %!PreProc: '^\-\-\-\-' '--------------------' %!PreProc: '^\_\_\_\_' '____________________' %!PreProc: '^\=\=\=\=' '===================='
One of these will work now:
---- ____ ====
HELPME - create a preproc ∞
Create a preproc to make the //
and --
all need just one character.
%!PreProc: '/{1}(.*)/{1}' '//\1//' %!PreProc: '\*(.*)\*' '**\1**'
I can't quite figure things out, because it mangles bullets or other things..
Notes ∞
https://wixi.sourceforge.net/ is an application which uses txt2tags in a wiki way. It's an ok idea, but it doesn't look like it would work for me. I'm so picky with my editors..
Last updated 2023-09-16 at 20:41:38