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A singer's voice has special extradimensional powers.
A truly wonderful movie which holds up well even after decades.
Inspired by The Devil and Daniel Mouse - (1978 movie)
For searchability: Rock and Rule
Complete movie, officially-hosted
- by Retro Rerun
- Canada's first feature-length animated film.
- Originally named "Drats!".. which was very different.
- They turned down Heavy Metal to make this film instead.
Mok Swagger was modelled after Mick Jagger. They perused permission/collaboration but got a very threatening letter from his lawyer.
Original songs by:
- 2021-08-11
- 2005-09-15
Watched beforehand, possibly more than once; no notes were taken.
2021-08-11 ∞
- 1:45 -- Narration. TODO
- 2:15 -- I think the capitalization in the narration is an homage to the intros to the Star Wars movies.
- 3:30 -- Those car stoppers that retract are pointed in the wrong direction.
- 4:30 -- If the armageddon key is the project, and the project is unchanged, then of course the computer hasn't figured it out.
- 7:15 -- Those are all a bunch of copies of ...
- 12:15 -- Hex
- 15:00 -- Sex. They mean sex.
- 17:45 -- She said "shoot yourself".. was that a play on "suit yourself"?
- 18:30 -- How could he think they're Mok?
- 24:45 -- Why not bring the whole band on board? That seems easy enough.
- 35:30 -- But they're not human beings.
- 28:00 -- "Skin head" is a reference to them being bald and not to s.
- 30:30 -- (was referenced earlier) - "Nuke York" is a reference to New York City.
- 34:00 -- Didn't they mention it would take three days to get there?
41:00 --
- 42:30 -- Cinderella
- 43:45 -- Skuttlebutt
- 50:30 -- All work and no play makes Mok a dull boy
- 56:15 -- World War III
59:15 --
1:00:30 --
2 disc collector's edition ∞
First disk ∞
- Movie
- Scene selection
- Commentary with director clive smith
- Making of Rock & Rule
- Character sketch gallery
- Restoration comparisons
Special thanks
Second disk ∞
- Alternate movie (CBC version with the original voice for "Omar")
- Scene selection
- The devil and daniel mouse
- How we made the devil and daniel mouse
- "Drats" workprint
- Rock and rule title workprint
- Gallery
- Rock & Rule
- Electric Dragon Boooov
-- It's all in Japanese, and makes no sense whatsoever!
Script (DVD-ROM)
- TODO - to extract
2005-09-15 ∞
Holy cow, the second disk has the CBC version I first saw all those years ago. It's terrible quality because it's based on the last surviving masters and not the original sources, which were lost in a fire. But it's worth it, because it has the director's original voice actor choice for "Omar". This is a serious piece of history..
I still love listening to the commentaries and bonus materials on these DVDs.
It was interesting to read the notes and see that Mok was indeed inspired by Mick Jagger of The Rolling Stones. I originally thought that the resemblance in uglyness and lip-age was coincidental.
2005-09-13 ∞
The Animatrix - (2003 movie) and Rock & Rule arrived today. The maildude was actually stupid enough to want to leave it next to my door.. the door I never enter my place in. Sigh. Now I know better than to order stuff this way. At least it got sent to my place instead of some other guy in a related building, like I've had happen before.
Last updated 2024-04-27 at 13:10:03
date estimated
re-watched; still awesome