Linux is an umbrella concept/base from which free operating systems are produced.
These initially intrigued me because of fundamental philosophies of freedom. Free as in freedom (Libre) and free as in beer (Gratis). Now it's also about ease of use.
Note that you can remaster a distribution into your own customized one, with its own software, etc.
I had been checking out a bunch of distributions before switching
2016-03-26 - Lubuntu, last version was 14.04.4 LTS
2011-12-12 - I ran through a bunch of testing, but I think most things failed because the USB copies were all getting corrupted. USB is fucking unreliable.
2011-? - I had another testing nightmare afterwards.
2005-10-17 - Ya know, after tweaking and some getting used to it.. KDE is really quite nice. I've had it at work for a little while now, and I'm really enjoying the experience of it.
2005-09-09 - PCLinuxOS 0.91 - After having migrated the server to a remote host, I was able to move my main setup to a full installation of PCLinuxOS.
2005-06-26 - I tried some more and it seems that nomatter what I try PCLinuxOS will eventually hang trying to set up a swap partition. A liveboot from the CD isn't working anymore either. I'm going to just give this up for now and try Debian. I resisted the temptation earlier, but this is a situation where it is said to shine.
2005-06-25 - PCLinuxOS - Played with the CVS of The PCLinuxOS Installer (1.10). I can build what I need, but I can't figure out enough to get it booting, so it'll be dropped until there is a rewritten public beta.
2005-06-25 - PCLinuxOS 0.81a - Experimentation with PCLinuxOS as a VMWare guest.
2005-04-17 - Gentoo - Prompted by some weirdness, and also by some minor mentoring of a Linux newbie, I explored Gentoo linux and while I could install, I was frustrated at the purposeful complexity of reading through a doc which could be reproduced in a simple script. After trying it, I switched to PCLinuxOS 0.81a.
2005-04-10 - Slackware (10.0) - I'm back in the arms of Slackware. God I missed it.
I thought about installing Debian, but the thought ran away screaming. It didn't scream for long because I hunted it down and repeatedly stabbed it with the memories of my last attempts.
FreeBSD - Played with installing FreeBSD. More of the same shit I had to wade through way back in the day. I can get it installed, but it "just doesn't do it for me".
NetBSD - I thought about installing NetBSD.. because I thought it could be an interesting birthday present.
2005-04 - FreeBSD - Tried out FreeBSD under VMWare and then under a proper installation.
ported from an earlier system
organized a bit better
The [[Linux]] genre was updated: tips and tricks, various Linux software, [[Linux distributions]], [[Slackware]], etc..
- pruned some abandoned projects
- confirmed one was resurrected