Entertainment > Television >
Continuum - (2012-2015 series) >
I guess it gets better, or at least faster. It becomes more militant.
s04e01 - 2015-09-04 - Lost Hours ∞
- 1:45 -- I never did understand why the girlfriend is wanted.
- 5:30 -- Good thing he didn't use a laser that time.
- 7:45 -- The end.
- 13:00 -- So he explains there are two Camerons..
- 19:00 -- How did Dillan recover?
- 33:45 -- SEAL Team Six
s04e02 - 2015-09-11 - Rush Hour ∞
- 2:45 -- Wilhelm scream
- 5:30 -- Is he really keeping his girlfriend held, by slowing down the data-return process?
- 13:45 -- Epaulettes?
- 28:30 -- Casual misandry
- 31:30 -- If she wanted to fill his lungs with water, then they ought to have tipped him and had the water flush out..
- 39:00 -- What? They still ought to take down his empire.
- 42:45 -- None of that makes sense.
s04e03 - 2015-09-18 - Power Hour ∞
- 5:15 -- That's Pong.
- 10:15 -- Guantanamo Bay Naval Base
- 13:45 -- Grow op = Cannabis cultivation
- 15:00 -- His hair is a different colour now. He had a bit more white in it, or perhaps that was the camera angle and lighting.
- 21:00 -- Yay, they get to use one of the spare suits.
s04e04 - 2015-09-25 - Zero Hour ∞
- 34:45 -- He's coming back to take his own kidneys.
s04e05 - 2015-10-02 - The Desperate Hours ∞
- 1:45 -- No. No. It's all good. He can be detained without charges indefinitely.
- 38:30 -- I went from "how many shots does that have?" to .. "what?"
- 43:00 -- Tell him? Well he's going to have to get the military involved for sure.
s04e06 - 2015-10-09 - Final Hour ∞
Last updated 2018-02-02 at 06:36:02