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Ruby > Ruby web programming, Ruby testing >
(on Wikipedia)
The original Behaviour Driven Development framework for Ruby.
- Inspired by JBehave
Has a mocking spec based on JMock
Table of Contents [hide]
Tutorials and Reading ∞
- Behavior-driven testing with RSpec - A comprehensive approach to test-driven development by Bruce Tate
Beyond Test Driven Development - Behaviour Driven Development - A Google TechTalk by Dave Astels on BDD using RSpec.
- 2019-10-07 - I think this isn't usable from the archive..
- Telling a good story – Rspec stories from the trenches, by Joseph Wilk - August 15th, 2008
- An introduction to RSpec - Part I, by David Chelimsky - May 14th, 2007
- Slides from RailsConf, by David Chelimsky - June 16th, 2008
A New Look at Test-Driven Development by Dave Astels (archive)
Resources ∞
Last updated 2023-08-10 at 07:37:34