abandoned - I was only very briefly interested in learning Spanish.
Spanish - EspaƱol
Resources ∞
- https://web.archive.org/web/20210817064407/http://www.optimnem.co.uk/
- https://web.archive.org/web/20161107102709/http://flrmethod.com:80/learn/spanish-level-1-mexico/
Cuba's two tomes ∞
~1994-1995 - The Book For The Family
- Published by the Cuban government. Compiled from various sources? If so then breaking copyright.
~1997-1998 - With Our Own Efforts
- Published by the Cuban government? With input from citizens.
When the Soviet Union collapsed, their Council for Mutual Economic Assistance was also dissolved. This sent Cuba into a severe and extended depression called the Special Period.
I find this fascinating. I don't mean to dismiss the horror of it. I realize I'm a complete outsider .. a first-worlder with no real concept of shortage or poverty.
Survivalism can draw a great deal of real-world understanding from what Cuba went through, and how it works today. Something like zombie preparedness (e.g. Zombie Squad) can also learn from it's rebuilding.
https://www.vice.com/en/article/pggx9y/mbtv-the-technological-disobedience-of-ernesto-oroza [ 1 ]
- www.vice.com/motherboard/the-technological-disobedience-of-ernesto-oroza
- https://web.archive.org/web/20180324133505/http://www.science20.com:80/rogue_neuron/creativity_crime_passion
- was https://ieet.org/index.php/IEET2/more/5192
Cuba's DIY Inventions from 30 Years of Isolation
- By Motherboard
To research: In the 1960s there was a movement called "the National Association of Innovators and Rationalists".
A few years after that initial book was distributed, the government wanted to see how well those ideas resonated with the people, so they invited the public to send in their own ideas. The responses came flooding in -- ideas for devices to charge batteries for hearing aids, how to make antennas out of tin trays, devices made from parts of broken washing machines that were turned into shoe-shiners, motorized bicycles... and many, many others. They took all of those ideas that the citizens sent in and put them into a book of its own, called "With Our Own Efforts".
Ernesto Oroza supposedly has a book called "Technological Disobedience", but I can't find it (in English at least)
Last updated 2023-08-10 at 08:13:20
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