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I thought YouTube didn't do RSS any more, but Brad left a comment with details. They are untested.
- YouTube removed official RSS access.
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Introduction ∞
This was made for Linux, but the concepts are universal and can be adapted elsewhere.
Tested 2009-05-16 under bash 3.1.17 and zsh 4.3.9 under PCLinuxOS 2007 updated 2009-04.
Get the list of users you subscribed to ∞
Visit www.youtube.com/login?next=/account and log in
- On the left, select 'Email Options' - the middle area will update.
- In the middle, select 'Subscription & YouTube Updates' - the middle area will update
- In the middle, click 'Show Subscriptions' - a list of names will appear.
- Highlight the list of names and copy it
Open up a terminal and paste it into a text file located in your home folder and named 'subs.txt':
- You may need to hold shift to middle-click into the terminal and paste. When you have done so, press enter and then control-d.
\cat > ~/subs.txt
Process your subscribed list ∞
Open up a terminal and paste this list of commands.
Export YouTube subscriptions as an RSS OPML file.sh
Last updated 2021-04-05 at 04:30:14
YouTube /does/ do RSS still. They've just made it even harder as of some time in late 2020/early 2021, by removing the "Export OPML" feature which you've nicely detailed here.
I first used this addon https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/youtube-subscriptions-exp/dhpojdmnffaocepmljcdcongdmkjblan/related
This easily gives a list of subscribed channel URLs.
Then search and replace with the regex: .*https:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/channel\/
with: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=
This removes the channel names at the start of the line, and replaces the URL with the RSS URL.
Then I could import that list to TT-RSS using the "batch subscribe" function, under preferences/feeds.
Yeah it's a whole lot of jumping through hoops, but at least it's still possible... for now.
They clearly want to keep people using the site, much like how Twitch has been screwing with livestreamer/streamlink.
Wow, and to think it's been hiding there since 2009. I never would have figured any of that out..