Combine your bags into a single, larger one, yet gives the power to choose which bags to combine. Great to consolidate your bags, but don't want to always see the contents of your soul shard bag or ammo bag.
It's simple and works very well. No searching or automatic sorting, grouping etc.
- 2007-11-19 - (version not recorded) on (version not recorded)
- World of Warcraft recommended addons - 11 noted 1.296
- World of Warcraft recommended addons - 10 noted 1.296
- World of Warcraft recommended addons - 9 noted 1.296
- World of Warcraft recommended addons - 8 noted 1.296
- World of Warcraft recommended addons - 7 noted 1.296
- World of Warcraft recommended addons - 6 noted 1.295
- World of Warcraft recommended addons - 5 noted 1.295
- World of Warcraft recommended addons - 5 noted 1.295
World of Warcraft recommended addons - 3 noted 1.295
2007-11-19 - (version not recorded) ∞
Has issues with you dropping items into a bag directly. If that bag is full and the other grouped bags are not then you're out of luck; nothing to be done about that. :/
Easy to migrate - just copy the addons folder..
For options:
It would be nice if it had a search feature.
Last updated 2020-07-21 at 19:44:01