(on Wikipedia)
I will forever think of this website as Devian Tart
2014-06-07 ∞
Purchasing a piece of art was a pleasant and inexpensive experience.
Postal code display error ∞
This is my first order on your site.
I added my billing details, with a postal code of (redacted)
However, when I check my order history:
(link redacted)
The billing address has a postal code of (redacted) [ 1 ] A number was being displayed as it's shifted-form . Notice the two errors.
I see no way to edit my address information to correct this myself, even though when I was checking out, I had the website save my address.
It appears that the billing was successful, so perhaps the information was submitted correctly to your credit card processor and is only being displayed incorrectly.
Their response ∞
Thank you for contacting deviantART Customer Care. I am sorry for the confusion. I have checked what is showing and it does say (redacted), so that is definitely what will appear on the shipping label. :)
If you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
^ 1 | A number was being displayed as it's shifted-form |
Last updated 2020-02-11 at 23:00:02