Shopping >
(on Wikipedia) (Canada)
2005-11-11 ∞
When trying to remove Spider-Man - (2002 movie) from my wish list, I note that the compact view has a terrible interface. I can't remove a movie.. there's a column of checkboxes.. but.. uh.. I have to scroll up a dozen pages to figure out what each column does, and I can still see no way to delete an item. So I'm forced to switch to their regular view, and scroll through more than 200 items to delete it. Luckily it was on the second page. There's no functionality to search my wish list.. that would have been much easier. A rails app with a nice AJAX interface would be so much nicer. God, so many things could be so easily improved.. they're using legacy crap I'm sure.. mired with all sorts of hard to fix crap.
2005-09-03 ∞
I bought a couple of DVD movies from Amazon. I know they're evil, but I decided to give them a shot until I find an alternative.. not that I'm looking very hard right now. I decided on them because I found a 2-DVD edition of Rock & Rule - (1983 movie).
Deciding that I wouldn't mind spending a bit more to save on shipping, I also picked up a DVD of The Animatrix - (2003 movie). Some of it is junk, but some is fantastic.
So yes, Amazon's marketing is good and I like it. The referral stuff is totally useless unless it reminds me of something else I've wanted to get for a while. I'll generally be ignoring it until my various lists have been sorted out a whole lot better.. i.e. when I am rich. =/
I also liked the reviews they have.. although my being the untrusting sort.. I don't trust them at all. Anyone could have written the reviews. Uhm.. I guess really anyone did. But I mean to say that they or some marketing dweeb for the product could have written reviews. Well.. I'm still buying things I already wanted anyways.
Yes, I decided on buying just The Animatrix and not some boxed set. The original The Matrix - (1999 movie) is good-ish but the rest are expletive deleted.
Usage ∞
Export a wish list ∞
- 2022-11-05 - Tested on Brave Version 1.45.118 Chromium: 107.0.5304.91 (Official Build) (64-bit)
2022-03-04 - Tested on Brave Version 1.35.103 Chromium: 98.0.4758.102 (Official Build) (64-bit)
- (in Brave, but Chrome or the like ought to work fine)
- Visit the Amazon wish list you want to save
- Press
to open up the developer console - Switch to the
tab - Paste this code
2022-03-04 - this code didn't work for me.
Last updated 2024-05-03 at 11:25:31
Found another old note. Hey, I may as well add it here.
I learned how to export a wish list properly; yay!
re-tested the wish list export; works just fine