(on Wikipedia)
I had first tested this a long time ago, perhaps before 2003. My first impressions were that it had a big community, was clumsily-implemented enough to spawn many many sub-distros and had poor governance.
Properly known as Debian GNU/Linux
See also:
It takes more keystrokes to enter a windows license key than it takes to do a complete Debian desktop install! -- Joey Hess [ 1 ]
- deb for information on the actual
packages. - Build your own packages with CheckInstall.
- 2011-07-27 - Debian debates systemd by Jake Edge
bug 761658 - Please do not default to using Google nameservers
- Google nameservers are used as a default fallback.
Creating bootable CD-ROMS Part 2 - bootcd
- older: Building Debian CD-ROMS Part 1 - dfsbuild
- don't forget to use
to resolve the kernel panics.
Note: version can be checked with uname -a
or lsb_release -a
- Debian reviews 3
- Debian reviews 2
2000-11-03 - Debian, 1
Usage and troubleshooting ∞
Learn Debian version ∞
One of these:
cat /etc/debian_version lsb_release -a uname -a
Last updated 2023-07-05 at 05:45:32
Working with an installation of Debian 10.1.0-amd64-xfce-CD-1
ported a little more
- completed the notes from 2003-09-06 and earlier.
Switched to Devuan beowulf_3.0.0_amd64 within VirtualBox on Windows 10