Ruby, Text editors >
Remember, you can just use irb
at the commandline for simple things.
Table of Contents [hide]
Unknown ∞
- widestudio
- RDE -- Windows-only
- RadRails - A Ruby on Rails IDE.
- (Fox, FXScintilla, FXRuby)
- (Fox 1.2, FXScintilla, FXRuby 1.2)
- As of June 2006 beta7 and newer require FXRuby 1.2.4 or FXRuby 1.2.6.
- TextMate
- eric3
- vim Ruby support
- edit
Eclipse has a plug-in called RDT, Ruby Development Tools.
- Dreamweaver 8 and Ruby on Rails codehints
- Aptana RadRails
CodeGear Ruby IDE
- As of 2007-07 - in field testing
Commercial ∞
Arachno Ruby (commercial, 30 day trial)
- Written in GNU Smalleiffel with The FOX GUI Toolkit for the UI.
- how to set Arachno Ruby for Rails
-- - To run ruby-tk: Settings > Program Settings > General > Ruby, add to "Ruby Library Path" both
(your mileage may vary, look for the directories on your computer)
- Commercial, with trials available after registration.
- For Ruby and IronRuby
Reviews ∞
Resources ∞
Last updated 2020-09-02 at 03:16:46