Introduction ∞
Your body is a system. It is a system which can be partially understood and motivated toward health. People can't really be expected to learn to listen and cater to their body, but there is some good advice that everyone ought to follow.
Don't eat so damned much ∞
Do you feel bad about not eating your meat? About not cleaning your plate? About not draining your cup?
Learn to not serve yourself so much. Learn to stop yourself even if it means you throw out a lot of really expensive and excellent food. Make the choice.
After every snack or meal you should pay attention to yourself. If you're uncomfortably full then you ate too much. Remember this for next time, and next time and next time.
Consider fasting.
If it makes you sick, don't eat it ∞
Another obvious point. Try to remember each time you eat. What did you like and dislike? How did you feel before, during and after? Were there cravings? Were you bloated? Were you ill?
At some point you'll begin to see trends. There are a lot of jokes which fly around about the cravings from the stink of KFC "chicken" or about getting sick after eating their food. I wonder.. perhaps you shouldn't eat that crap if it makes you feel bad? There is no discussion of "oh, maybe it was that one time". Stop lying to yourself.
Read labels and stop eating garbage: ∞
Garbage is anything with preservatives in it. Read labels and do the work to understand what each ingredient is. A good bet is that if you don't know what it is, you don't want it in you. You'll begin seeing trends in the unpronounceable ingredients in your foods. I don't care of it tastes good, just don't eat the crap anymore.
A good supplementary policy is "never eat anything you can't read the ingredients for". Just don't trust it. This means fast foods. You don't want to know what's in that crap anyways.
If you begin with cutting out anything modified or hydrogenated you'll be off to a great start. Also realize that "x ingredients" could mean anything. If it says "milk ingredients" you should probably be horrified.
No added sugar ∞
There's already enough naturally-occurring sugar in foods.
There's no need to add more except for "taste" and to both form and feed addictions.
Sugar is added everything and it makes people stupid.
Examples of "sugar" include concentrated juices, honey, glucose and fructose. If the food is sweet, read the ingredients and try to figure out how they got it sweet.
I'd also avoid any artificial sweeteners while you're at it.
Oh, and remember that foods can be specially-bred or manipulated to become sweeter. This has happened with many fruits over the years. This sort of stuff won't get listed on ingredients lists, but it's something to keep in mind:
- Oranges which are genetically modified to be sweeter? Hmm, I think I've heard of that from somewhere...
Cows that are bred for sweeter milk? Naw, it could never happen! Or could it?
Manipulation ∞
Soil is tilled and fertilized, and plants are sown and tended to. We all know this. Water is portioned carefully. Good. Soil is specially prepared. That sounds good, right? Fertilizer is specially-engineered. Hmm, ok. Crops are timed and planted and rotated. Ok. This is sounding more like a factory. Well it is. Plants are cross-bred for favorable traits. Hmm. Favorable to who? Plants are genetically manipulated for specific traits. Wait.. what? Isn't this regulated? Nope.
I remember when pairs were soft and didn't look like funny apples. I remember when the acidity in tomatoes burned my lips, and when their skins weren't thicker than orange peels. I remember when oranges' DNA wasn't spliced with fish.
Fruit is a product produced by plants. Meat is a product produced by animals. Meat is a similarly-engineered product. Selah.
Stuff ∞
Last updated 2023-06-29 at 13:35:12