Entertainment > Movies >
(on Wikipedia)
was doomsdayiscoming.com [ 1 ]
coming soon
- 2024-06-29 but partially-watched some time before.
Watched once before; no notes were taken
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2024-06-29 ∞
Notes from a while ago:
- 1:45 -- Glasgow - Scotland
- 3:15 -- Shooting at one person would piece and shoot through a lot of others..
- 4:00 -- They should be gunning all those people down as they drove away..
- 5:00 -- That's a hell of a lot of infrastructure at such short notice.
- 8:15 -- 2035
- 8:45 -- How is the eyeball turning?
- 14:45 -- PM
18:30 -- I really wish they cast Kate Beckinsale instead..
- (earliest non-flash archive) [ ↩ ]