(on Wikipedia)
A video editor.
- 2021-02-23 - 15 (build 416) on Windows 10
I had been tinkering with this for some time (versions not recorded).
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2021-02-23 - 15 (build 416) ∞
I had been looking around for alternate video editors for some time.
- I really hate the way it handles media.
- If media is renamed, it's pretty good about how it searches for it.
- I don't like the basic controls, it's a bit awkward.
- I can't figure out how to do a proper export. There are project settings but it doesn't seem related to rendering. Rendering is all wacky and all over the place, and the settings are strange.
It couldn't search for some missing media, so I had to do that manually by right-clicking on the offline media and replacing it.
- .. but then that media had some fucked up zoom problem, so I had to
its Video Event FX button, thenright-click
the right-hand preview and Restore. Fucking hell..
- .. but then that media had some fucked up zoom problem, so I had to
What the fuck am I supposed to do with a clip preview? It has an itsy bitsy audio bar, so I can't properly select an A-B to use. This kills this program; they aren't even trying..
Last updated 2023-10-10 at 17:29:09
God damn this is intolerable..