Hardware > Apple Macbook Pro A1278 - 13" Laptop >
- Phillips #00
- Spudger
- Pentalobe P6
Read and understand macOS reinstallation and be prepared to reinstall.
Back up your data
- In particular, you will need to know your passwords and such. Just because you reinstall does not mean you will have access to your apple account and remote files. Keep in mind that your macbook might be one of the methods you unlock your account elsewhere. Sit down and think about how you use your macbook.
- Turn the macbook off
- Close it
- Flip it lid-down
- Rotate it so the hinge (in black) is away from you
Unscrew the bottom screws
- Note that three are longer. Remember where those go (the top-right).
- Remove the cover
- Locate the battery - It is the long black bar closest to you
- Locate the battery cable - It is connecting the battery to the motherboard. You will see the flat cable away from you, a little toward the right-side.
Use the spudger to remove the cable.
- You are simply lifting it up away from the motherboard. It won't lift very far. It will detach and just hang loose.
Locate the HDD on the left.
- It is the shiny rectangle.
- Locate the black bar next to the HDD. It is further away from you.
The black bar has two phillips screws holding it in place. Loosen them.
- You will be unable to completely remove them; this is normal.
- Lift up the black bar.
- On the left of the HDD, notice there is a vertical black bar. Do nothing, just locate it.
- Lift up the HDD - Use the spudger to lift it at the side where it had the black bar. It will lift without difficulty. Do not try to completely remove it. Just lift it until you notice the drive is held by that vertical black bar on the left.
- Pull that black bar on the left further to the left to detach the cable from the HDD.
- The HDD is now completely free. Remove it.
- On the HDD are four screws on it's sides. These are pentalobe-6 screws. Remove them.
- Screw those same pentalobe-6 screws into the same locations on your SSD.
- Reverse the process to reinstall the SSD:
- Attach the drive cable.
- Place the drive in that spot.
- Place the black bar into place.
- Screw the black bar down.
- Reconnect the battery.
- Close the lid.
- Screw the screws back. Remember you have to place the three long screws in the same place - at the top-right at the hinge-side.
- Power it up.
- Perform your macOS reinstallation.
Restore your data.
If something goes wrong, such as problems with reinstallation or with your account on the new macOS, just put the old drive back in and try again later when you are prepared.