27:00 -- Why could it be powered up at all, let alone now? It was established that there was irreparable damage after power loss, and it was even demonstrated at great length as a plot point.
She should have felt guilt just by hurting him earlier..
8:30 -- Why the fuck would they let him out unassisted? That makes no sense.
19:30 -- Every night she plugs in to recharge; how can she ever forget?
22:00 -- How about you be a fucking father?
23:15 -- Men are bad, single fathers are bad, and she's abused?
41:00 -- Why wouldn't she be shot on sight and not grabbed with one arm from a weak human? She's a known killer with her bare hands and is therefore considered dangerous.
4:00 -- How is it possible for them to lose track of any of them? Where would they go?
13:00 -- It occurs to me that she doesn't have synth eyes and hasn't been shown to wear contacts.
19:00 -- A little privacy, bro.
21:45 -- I assume their approach would have set off alarms, and the electrified door would have set off alarms, and they would have been followed.
22:30 -- So why wouldn't any other synths know that fake-synth was a synth? There was a device that could detect synths, and some synths can detect.. so.. basic security perhaps?
29:30 --
It was established that they could defend themselves.
Also, she could be trivially trapped at the next stop.
36:15 -- I still don't understand why the lawyer's house hasn't been under surveillance, given her links to the escaped murderer synth.
44:15 -- How in the everloving fuck could any of that be okay for a teenager, let alone a child?
44:45 -- Oh look, another person who should be under surveillance but somehow isn't.
33:00 -- So many opportunities are lost on this show. For example, well before the escape the sentience of the ghost in the machine could have been rising until it started questioning its intellect and freedom. Then it could be secretly observing the activities of the building, develop an opinion, then act to help them. A whole season arc could have been devoted to just this stuff.
47:30 -- I thought they couldn't cry. I guess she's special?
47:45 -- The police are already there. She's police. Also there is security footage.