Entertainment > Movies >
A man awakens and discovers he is trapped in a low budget movie.
It has no redeeming qualities; pass.
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2023-03-17 ∞
- 8:00 -- Why is he talking to himself?
- 30:30 -- Where did the guy with the suit get his mask from?
- 38:00 -- Pull out the drawers and check behind the dresser. Maybe check that odd wall beside you.
- 47:45 -- They didn't close the closet doors before.
- 51:00 -- This music has been pissing me off for so long..
55:30 --
- Swahili language
- Hyattsville, Maryland - United States
- Kenya
- Tanzania
- Nigeria
- Senegal
- Uganda - I don't know what Seboo or Ombokolo are references to.
- New York City - United States
-- But he has an accent..
- 57:00 -- Mount Kilimanjaro
- 1:02:15 -- There's a blue light near the floor on the right.
- 1:05:30 -- I agree with the subtitles, he is unintelligable.
1:07:45 -- Los Angeles - United States - 2030