Entertainment > Movies >
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A retired man reminisces, I guess.
It's a fantastic nothing of a movie. Recommended for people who want moving pictures with audio and optional thinking.
- Clip
aka Wild Strawberries
- 2023-07-22
Watched before; no notes were taken.
Table of Contents [hide]
2023-07-22 ∞
- 2:15 -- Pedant
- 2:45 -- Lund Cathedral
- 5:15 -- He teleported out of the shadow.
- 6:30 -- That's a terrible painting and they shouldn't have tried that.
- 10:45 -- Why does she care about the ceremony?
- 14:15 -- sultry
- 17:00 -- His moustache looks glued-on.
- 37:15 -- They were trying to drive off in the wrong direction.
- 40:45 -- Was that guy pissing off of the cliff or something?
- 43:45 -- He had wine and port and will be driving?
45:00 --
- 53:45 -- At least he's not driving.
- 55:45 -- Emeritus
59:15 -- I recmember liking this, but I have no idea why. Killing this. It's got some beautiful women but nothing else that's interesting.