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Mysterious gates bring monsters into the world, but people develop superpowers and one previously-worthless combatant becomes incredible.
Pretty good so far.
s01e01 ∞
- 0:00 -- 3 years ago
- 4:45 -- Present day
10:15 --
- 15:30 -- I guess they have to run back to make it out the gate in time.
s01e02 ∞
s01e03 ∞
s01e04 ∞
- 0:30 -- Could he use a Goblin sword?
9:45 -- Buddhism
- 9:45 -- Spend all your points and then continue, preferably some on Int so you actually know what to spend your future points on.
- 11:45 -- This dungeon has no handrails!
Last updated 2024-04-14 at 03:47:58
watched s01e01-s01e04
watched s01e05-s01e08 (season complete)
watched the rest of season 1