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In a universe where aliens ruled everything somehow but aren't there now for some reason and humans learned stuff from their remnants somehow, one world has a vault of their stuff for some reason, and.. well anyway there's this girl that this guy wants back because corporations are bad? I dunno, there is shooting.
Another pointless girl power man-bad movie.
- Trailer
- Inspired by Borderlands - (2009 game) etc.
- It tries to be funny but it's not.
There are no straight white Christian men.
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2024-08-09 ∞
- 0:30 -- Aliens? What? For all human advancement? What?
- 1:30 -- Oh right, a daughter.
- 5:30 -- Yeah, Cate Blanchett is too fucking old to play that character. I saw that even from the poster.
- 11:15 -- Stop the narration.
- 21:00 -- How did claptrap get out?
- 25:15 -- It's not a car.
- 26:30 -- I thought they wanted to capture the girl, not kill them all.
- 27:00 -- Wilhelm scream
- 35:00 -- And Moxy is ugly.
- 37:45 -- Those were stairs.
- 39:00 -- Wow they really had to work on her tits to make this character inappropriately-tolerable.
- 49:15 -- The only slightly funny part.
- 1:01:30 -- I was waiting for them to all break down that grill into the acid, and then for the bomb to do it, but nothing.
- 1:02:30 -- I know he's only a man, but maybe try to teleport back and save Roland?
- 1:04:45 -- Orgy
- 1:17:45 -- Do we care about this character or something?
- 1:21:00 -- Casual misandry.
1:23:00 -- I don't know what combat action just happened.