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A struggling writer takes drugs, giving him incredible results with unforeseen consequences.
This is an uncomfortably-great movie. It's semi-horror in the sense of a tactile empathy the viewer has. I don't know that I'd consider this mandatory viewing, because it would strongly depend on the viewer. I don't think this would be a "love it or hate it" movie, because it's .. just odd. It's original, and that alone would make it mandatory viewing for some.
- Based on the book Naked Lunch (1959)
If you like this movie, definitely check out John Dies at the End - (2012 movie).
With an original world and plot, this movie starts strong. Not only is the execution powerful, but the entire experience of watching this movie leaves an uncomfortably slimy residue which, to me, is only matched by the uncomfortableness of Gattaca - (1997 movie).
Naked Lunch is, like any truly great movie, difficult if not impossible to describe. I love the emphasis on the writer, as well as the classic nature of the era. Typewriters are a very powerful symbol for authors, so perhaps this is why this movie is so damned uncomfortable and memorable for me.
Last updated 2022-05-21 at 19:10:01