The show was cancelled after two seasons, at which time I stopped caring enough that when I learned it had been un-cancelled I continued to not care.
(on Wikipedia) [ 1 ]
A psychologically-disturbed young man's fantasies spiral out of control as he pursues a lunatic's dream for economic anarchy.
Fast and loose. This is one of those shows which tries to cash in on this generation's theme of general discontent. It generally fails. More-or-less entertaining.
For everyday people this is somewhat recommended. For fans of psychological stuff, and anti-corporatism, this is somewhat recommended. For people who know enough about computers but don't like psychological stuff or anti-corporatism, I do not recommend this.
Mr. Robot seems to be made as an homage-sequel to Fight Club - (1999 movie).
nerds made a wiki:
Last updated 2022-10-26 at 11:34:37
- was [ ↩ ]