Entertainment > Movies >
(on Wikipedia)
An eyedrop-delivered memory augmenting nanotech is as horrifying as it sounds.
Fantastic premise, writing and acting. A real winner.
Entertainment > Movies >
(on Wikipedia)
An eyedrop-delivered memory augmenting nanotech is as horrifying as it sounds.
Fantastic premise, writing and acting. A real winner.
Entertainment > Movies >
(on Wikipedia)
While trying to invent a teleporter, scientists accidentally invent a multiverse-teleporter which one uses to fetch her recently deceased in her-world husband.
Kinda neat, but definitely a TV-movie; not bad, but not recommended.
aka Alpha Gateway
Entertainment > Movies >
(on Wikipedia)
The world has a secret war between demons and necromancers, and a random Australian is discovered to be the most powerful necromancer.
It's not funny.
Entertainment > Movies >
A student is approached by his future-self, and is sent into a time loop when he ignores his own advice.
Quite a good movie. With a great pace and a particularly good sound track, I found this quite emotional.