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Beliefs >

The lack of theism, and/or lacking belief in a god or gods.

What's absolutely hilarious is watching these same people dive straight off a cliff into cultist insanity.

See also:

  • Deism - Belief that there was a creator who is currently not participating.



Some old thoughts on reinforcement

2012-07-11 or earlier

  • Religious people end up being blackmailed into reinforcing their bullshit.
  • Reinforcement via church, singing, praying, "reading", etc.
  • Reinforcement helps diminish the effects of cognitive dissonance.


  • Hundreds of Proofs of God's Existence
  • In April, Judge Eduardo Rodriguez ruled, in Granada, Spain, that Jesus Christ was innocent of the charges that sent him to death in Galilee, finding that Jesus suffered "significant" violations of due process of law, including the absence of a defender.

    • News of the Weird 4:41 PM 3/14/91 -- At least as old as 04-Jun-1992 21:45


  • Peter Abelard wrote a book of 168 quotes from church fathers showing that they all contradicted eachother.

    • A quote from him: Don't just accept anything you're told. If you don't understand it, don't believe it.
  • William and Teary - 12th century, took the bible apart



Coming out as an Atheist, the costs of atheism

See Getting the hell out of Dodge
