
All posts tagged Bloons


Entertainment > Games >
Tower Defense Games > Bloons >

(on Wikipedia)

A fair tower defence game that really does come across as a mobile game ported to desktop. I got it free from Epic, which is the only thing making me not completely trash this thing.

Fair, with flaws.

  • Supports ultrawide in so far as it paints a design outside of its normal widescreen aspect ratio.

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Bloons >

bloons td5 logo

Entertainment > Games >

(on Wikipedia)
on (Flash)
on steam (Steam)

Balloons threaten monkeys, and you coordinate their defence.

I'm big on tower defence games, and this is a very good one.

The Flash version is liked. The Steam version is disliked. Maybe the more adult multiplay on the Steam version would make it worth some money, but not at its price.

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