British-accent movies

All posts tagged British-accent movies

Franklyn - (2009 movie) poster

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A mix of odd stories and fantasies that ultimately makes little sense.

Fucking weird and pointless.

See also:

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Bullet Boy - (2004 movie) poster

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Some mumbling hoodlums have shitty lives that get shittier.

I guess this is a fair character story, but I can't understand enough of what they're saying to really be enthralled by the acting or drama.

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Hugo - (2011 movie) poster

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An orphan struggles to survive, all the while working to repair an automaton that prompts an adventure.

Not among the greats, but it's a quiet, quaint, watchable, movie.

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One Hundred and One Dalmatians - (1961 movie) image

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A single woman is obsessed with fur to the point of hunting puppies.

Quaint and watchable.

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That's in the movie very briefly twice but has no purpose.
That's in the movie very briefly twice but has no purpose.

Entertainment > Movies >

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A world is all ruined and planty, and people use plant technology to get by. I guess.

Plants are gross and dangerous. I mean it's a movie I guess, but it's not.. greater than it's grossness.

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Yesterday - (2019 movie) image

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In a global event, a failed hobby singer-songwriter is shifted into another universe where The Beatles are unknown, and he steps into their role.

Messy and awkward in places, and definitely not written as a proper romance. Vaguely-recommended for people who want to see one perspective on the alternate reality theme.

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Lifeforce - (1985 movie) poster

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Astronauts discover a structure in space and decide bring bits back which turn out to be hot girly bits.


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Anti Matter - (2016 movie) image

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Students decide it's a good idea to blindly pursue teleportation without watching some scifi first.

Really wonderful, moody, and well-acted. Great idea and writing; highly recommended.

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Accident Man - (2018 movie) poster

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A boy that's beaten up a lot decides that murder is both the best revenge and career. Wait, it's about the man though. Well there's narration so don't worry he's never in any danger.

Kinda funny and kinda interesting sometimes, but god damn does it drag on; it could have been done much better, and done better quite easily too.

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Sherlock Holmes and the Deadly Necklace - (1962 movie) French poster

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I wasn't really paying attention, but it seems nice.

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