culture jamming

All posts tagged culture jamming


Entertainment > Movies >

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A hacker learns reality is not as it appears.

A sci-fi ripoff of elements of Lucid dreaming, with elements taken from the Neuromancer/Shadowrun "cyberpunk" genres.

A pioneering movie for special effects, which have held up quite well, and its general pot and atmosphere. Technically not original for science fiction fans, but great nonetheless.

One of my favourites, although I really wish the actor playing Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss) was good looking.

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The Animatrix - (2003 movie) image

Entertainment > Movies >
The Matrix - (1999 movie) >

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A series of non-cannon short animated films inspired by The Matrix - (1999 movie).

Better than the main series in some cases. I rather love every one of these short films.

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Crumb - (1994 movie) image

Entertainment > Movies >

(on Wikipedia)

A documentary about Robert Crumb.

A lineage of broken genetics is passed on to children, one of whom drew odd things oddly and got famous because normies couldn't or wouldn't do it. He got and stayed famous because he got there first. Everyone fawns over him to be cool.

There's a lot of anti-consumerism, anti-industry and general cultural critique. Unfortunately, the whole thing gets interesting only in the latter third, and the good cultural critique is scattered throughout that.

All things considered, this isn't a great movie, an interesting person or an interesting topic. For people unaware of the reality, this shows the broken side of certain kinds of artist.

Not recommended.

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Fight Club (1999) poster

Entertainment > Movies >

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A corporate drone goes mad and spirals into psychopathy, violently lashing out at society.

An absolutely mandatory film. As heavy-handed as its anti-corporatism is, it has fantastic subtleties requiring multiple viewings. There are very few movies which can achieve this level of watchability. This is absolutely an A-class dudebro movie.

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This often has to do with literal intelligence (learning, memory), philosophy, scepticism, self-improvement or independence, and includes issues of culture jamming or corporate jamming.

NOTE - this is not a particularly serious project, and things get dumped here before being split off into more focused topics.

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They Live (1988) poster

Entertainment > Movies >

(on Wikipedia)

A down-and-out traveler discovers a pair of sunglasses which let him see through the illusions aliens have been using to control mankind.

With overtones of the manipulation of the everyman, I would easily put this movie in the same class as Nineteen Eighty-Four. However, the otherwise weighty impact is cushioned by comedy, great characters and a great story. Though old, this movie stands the test of time. Easily considered satirical-horror, there's much more to it.

This is, in a sense, a bubblegum movie that delivers a subtler message. It tickles the viewer's cognitive dissonance. Some viewers will easily "get it", and some will merely find it entertaining. I hope those between those two groups will be particularly intrigued.

Mandatory viewing.

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Intelligence >

(on Wikipedia)

There are those who want to relinquish power, believing that others are more capable and therefore qualified than themselves to run aspects of their life or world for them. This could be ignorance, this could be laziness, this could be willful. Fnord is a related hesitation. Or I could be completely wrong.

I tend to additionally attribute fnord to concepts of doublethink and doublespeak.

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