DOS software

All posts tagged DOS software

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Software > Text editors >

(on Wikipedia)

The license-unencumbered version of Pico.

Small, easy. Needs some basic functionality but is still quite useful.

  • acronym: Nano's ANOther editor
  • formerly: TIP (TIP Isn't Pico)

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Software >

Cubic Player, now Open Cubic Player, was my audio player of choice back in my DOS days. Officially abandoned under DOS, but renamed to "open cubic player" and further-developed to become multi-platform (Linux).

Rather old, but still awesome.

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TODO - there are a lot of other notes in deep archives

4DOS icon

Software > DOS >

(on Wikipedia) (Klaus Meinhard's Homepage)

  • The official DOS version is abandoned.
  • An an open source version was released for FreeDOS, but it appears to be abandoned.
  • The Windows version was called 4NT, but later renamed to TCC/LE


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