
All posts tagged emulation

This was a working logo
This was a working logo

Linux distributions + Unity Linux >

Oldschool Linux was to have been usable as a general-purpose light Linux distribution, with a focus on oldschool platform and operating system emulation/virtualization, demos, games, art and music.

Its target era was to be pre-Windows: DOS, Commodore 64, Amiga, Atari, etc. Software will be Linux-native where possible, but two-stage software will be examined .. such as emulating DOS to run a DOS program.

  1. Platform Emulation (DOS: DOSBox and DOSEMU, other platforms like Commodore 64, Amiga, Atari)
  2. Console Platform Emulation (Nintendo Entertainment System, Sega Genesis, Arcade, etc)
  3. Virtualization
  4. Oldschool demos (intros, demos, megademos, democomp-related stuff)
  5. Art (ASCII, ANSI, pixel, etc)
  6. Oldschool music (MODs etc, Commodore SIDs, and more)
  7. Games (Free, not abandonware - either platform-specific, console or arcade games)

    • This is a secondary interest.

It was to be a consumer distribution, and not a producer distribution. To be distributed with media viewers/players as well as actual content. It was to be a branch off of the Unity Linux base. It never made it past the planning stages.

Oldschool-Windows and producer editions were far-future ideas.

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