
All posts tagged freemium

Pinball FX - (2023 game) logo

Entertainment > Games >

(on Wikipedia)

A pinball game which is absolutely nothing compared to Epic Pinball - (1993 game).

Wow the graphics are bad and the controls are bad.

  • A refresh of the 2007 Xbox 360

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Minds logo

Websites >

(on Wikipedia) (Android > Developer (recommended) - on Google Play))

A social media platform.

Positioned as a "free as in beer and free as in freedom" alternative to platforms like Twitter, minds has significant potential.

  • 2017-05-29 - Does not have proper web compliance and does not work 100% with Pale Moon.

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Discord app

Software > VoIP, Instant messagers, Video conferencing >

(on Wikipedia)
(on Google Play)

Yet another VoIP client.

A clumsy "pretends to be pretty" interface, but it seems reasonable enough. Definitely not better than Mumble for the basics.

It might be better-suited for large groups, or because it has a free server, or some other thing I haven't discovered. I'll keep it in my toolbox, but I don't really like it.

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