Google Play software

All posts tagged Google Play software


Software, Android >

(on Google Play (archive))

Does things and stuff.

I needed this to clear phone logs on my Doogee X20 because it was modified by the communist Chinese to be unable to do it natively.

  • Abandoned

    • It was taken from the Google Play store, even though it's still referenced on their website.
    • It does not work on Android 12.

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Ghost Commander logo

Software, Android >

(on Google Play)
(on F-Droid)

Dual-panel file manager. Also has a decent text editor.

Extremely capable.

  • External storage access optional

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Google > Chrome >
Software > Web browsers >

(on Wikipedia)
(on Google Play)

Brave is a web browser that uses components from Chrome to build a more security-conscious browser which also has an alternate advertising mechanism with revenue sharing.

Like Chrome, it's missing fundamental things.

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