gunslingers shows

All posts tagged gunslingers shows

Killjoys (2015-) logo 1

Entertainment > Television >

(on Wikipedia)

Guild bounty hunters hunt bounties and stuff.

I like it so far.

I am reminded of Firefly - (2002 show).

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Firefly (2002) cast

Entertainment > Television >

(on Wikipedia)

A space-western with a motley down-and-out crew struggling on the edge of a semi-dystopian planet-spanning civilization.

Easily one of the best television shows I've ever seen. I don't just consider this mandatory, I will dog people to watch it. I bought two copies of this series just to give one away.

Let me stress this. This is a series so good that even after cancellation there was enough popularity to produce a movie. A movie for a cancelled series. The only one I've ever heard of. Serenity - (2005 movie) is itself mandatory viewing for those who have enjoyed Firefly.

Mandatory viewing. I have been brought to tears more than once.

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