
All posts tagged intelligence

This is a permanent work in process

I never lose

Intelligence >

"Adulting" can be thought of something like the young following instructions until they actually become an adult. The idea is that being an adult is more than just age. Adulting a statement of wanting to be a proper adult.

This is a huge and complex topic, but the interest I have is to whittle it down into manageable pieces which can at least be roughly explained. It's likely this will be a zombie project for as long as I'm alive. .. maybe longer. :)

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The Manchurian Candidate - (2004 movie) poster

Entertainment > Movies >

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Soldiers return from a tour with Gulf War syndrome, PTSD, and nightmares that turn out to be true.

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Minor Premise - (2020 movie) poster

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An undergrad invents a brain-meddling machine, and discovers that meddling with his brain is a bad idea.

Calm, and focused wholly on the main character. I liked it.

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There are more than seven boys.
There are more than seven boys.

Entertainment > Movies >

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College students LARPing as revolutionaries set a hacker up, but he causes a shitstorm in an agent training prison.

This is pretty good. It's essentially a Dutch revisitation of the concepts in the French movie La Femme Nikita - (1990 movie). It's straightforward and so it seems fairly low budget.

See also:

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Rain Man - (1988 movie) poster

Entertainment > Movies >

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When an asshole father dies, his asshole son learns everything was given to a brother he didn't know existed.

It's nice, I guess. I guess it made it into the history books because there wasn't anything interesting playing those days..

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Humans - (2015 show) image

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Synthetic humans are created, but once again philosophers weren't involved, and when some present intelligence and emotion they take umbrage at being slaves.

Adequate, but neither revelatory nor particularly interesting. Not particularly recommended except for people who like the general topic (which is why I made a tag for it).

See also:

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Trading Places - (1983 movie) poster

Entertainment > Movies >

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In a nature versus nurture experiment, two too-rich men decide to swap the roles of an unfortunate and fortunate man.

A riveting movie through and through.

  • Contains plenty of inappropriate things that wouldn't fly in later years.

Max Headroom (1987-1988) poster

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Particularly notable for its subtle and overt corporate jamming, Max Headroom was unique and wildly popular in its day but, for reasons unknown to me and not yet researched, had its life cut short.

I think I give my high personal rating because of its strong influences on my perceptions of the world. Perhaps it would not hold up today, but I'll note that on my eventual re-watch.

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TODO - Is this out in blu-ray?

She looks even better when wet.
She looks even better when wet.

Entertainment > Television >

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A girl, engineered to be a killer, flees her keepers, but as a woman she pursues general vigilante justice by helping a crime-fighting genius.

This series hits the ground running, featuring not just a stupifyingly hot Jessica Alba, but a great world, plot and everything else.

However, like too many series', Dark Angel suicide-bombs like it's been lit on fire and is heading for a volcano to end it's suffering. Not only is the second season bad enough to end the show, it's bad enough to not watch, even and especially for people who like the first.

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todo - When re-watching, look out for that cat picture to confirm it.

Phenomenon - (1996 movie) poster

Entertainment > Movies >

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A man experiences an event and becomes smarter until he doesn't.

A really well-paced and loving movie.

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