intelligence topics

All posts tagged intelligence topics

This is a permanent work in process

I never lose

Intelligence >

"Adulting" can be thought of something like the young following instructions until they actually become an adult. The idea is that being an adult is more than just age. Adulting a statement of wanting to be a proper adult.

This is a huge and complex topic, but the interest I have is to whittle it down into manageable pieces which can at least be roughly explained. It's likely this will be a zombie project for as long as I'm alive. .. maybe longer. :)

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This often has to do with literal intelligence (learning, memory), philosophy, scepticism, self-improvement or independence, and includes issues of culture jamming or corporate jamming.

NOTE - this is not a particularly serious project, and things get dumped here before being split off into more focused topics.

See also:

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Internet, Intelligence >



^ 1 Ideologically-compromised.

coming later

Intelligence >

(on Wikipedia)

There are those who want to relinquish power, believing that others are more capable and therefore qualified than themselves to run aspects of their life or world for them. This could be ignorance, this could be laziness, this could be willful. Fnord is a related hesitation. Or I could be completely wrong.

I tend to additionally attribute fnord to concepts of doublethink and doublespeak.

See also:

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