Kurt Russell

All posts tagged Kurt Russell

Big Trouble in Little China (1986) image

Entertainment > Movies >

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A man's fiancé is kidnapped, and he and his friend move to rescue her from what turns out to be ancient Chinese mystical forces.

A phenomenal movie. Fun and interesting. The acting is great, the story is great, the setting is great. I easily consider this mandatory viewing, and I think it holds up even after all these years.

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Stargate (1994) poster

Entertainment > Movies >

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An ancient discovery in Egypt, from before the pyramids, is found to be a gateway to another world which is still kept as a slave planet by Ra, a self-appointed god who is an alien just trying to get by.

A fantastic movie. Not exactly mandatory. Perhaps elements of it don't feel like they have held up well, or maybe there has been so much excellent science fiction before, during and since its time.

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The Hateful Eight (2015) poster

Entertainment > Movies >

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was thehatefuleight.com

Some people with accents drive a carriage through the snow and talk a lot.

Oh god, this was supposed to be good? If it can't get interesting in the first half an hour then why in the fuck should I continue watching?

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Soldier - (1998 movie) poster

Entertainment > Movies >

(on Wikipedia)
was wb-soldier.com

Humans are cloned into soldiers, and one obsoleted model survives disposal, discovering humanness during his abandonment.

Gritty and intelligent.

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