
All posts tagged London

Franklyn - (2009 movie) poster

Entertainment > Movies >

(on Wikipedia)

A mix of odd stories and fantasies that ultimately makes little sense.

Fucking weird and pointless.

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Bullet Boy - (2004 movie) poster

Entertainment > Movies >

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Some mumbling hoodlums have shitty lives that get shittier.

I guess this is a fair character story, but I can't understand enough of what they're saying to really be enthralled by the acting or drama.

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The Nevers - (2021 show) image

Entertainment > Television >

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An unknown event gave alternate-past Victorian Londoners a random superpower, and their numbers became pronounced enough to attract the attention of worried politicians. Or something.

Really interesting! I guess it's worth watching, but it slide sideways and got too strange to follow. It really needed more seasons to figure it's shit out, but the woke brigade MeToo-dogpiled Joss Whedon without evidence so he got shunned.

  • Abandoned - Drama

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Humans - (2015 show) image

Entertainment > Television >

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Synthetic humans are created, but once again philosophers weren't involved, and when some present intelligence and emotion they take umbrage at being slaves.

Adequate, but neither revelatory nor particularly interesting. Not particularly recommended except for people who like the general topic (which is why I made a tag for it).

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Lifeforce - (1985 movie) poster

Entertainment > Movies >

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Astronauts discover a structure in space and decide bring bits back which turn out to be hot girly bits.


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The Peripheral - (2022 show) image

Entertainment > Television >

(on Wikipedia)

A woman witnesses and participates in things she becomes a person of interest for.

Although not immediately spectacular, it gets good enough.

  • Inspired by The Peripheral - (2014 book), by William Gibson
  • Although it was picked up for another season, it was killed due to various strikes.

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