open-source software

All posts tagged open-source software

ChromieCraft logo

Entertainment > Games >
World of Warcraft >

A non-profit World of Warcraft private server for the purpose of testing and improving the open source AzerothCore.

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World of Warcraft > AddOns >

Adds text to items/spells/abilities that are on cooldown to indicate when they'll be ready for use. Turns analog cooldowns/timers into digital ones.

  • /occ or /omnicc

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Disambiguation: No relation to ShareX, the screencasting software.

Set the featured image as Android_robot_2014.svg if necessary.

ShareX - (file transfer software) logo

Software > File Sharing, Android >

(on F-Droid)

Share files offline.

I couldn't figure it out.

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Inkscape logo

(on Wikipedia)

SVG editor

This is in my toolkit for whenever I need to do anything with SVG files. For just converting them, I use GIMP.

It is meant for image creation and not editing. I've used this for several projects, like my Chinese flash cards.

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