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See also:
Computers > Operating environment >
Platform / Computer / Hardware > Operating System > Operating environment > Software > Projects (or whatever)
Acronym: OS
Computers > Operating environment >
If you want things done right, you have to do them yourself. I've always had problems with every program I've ever used. Some of these problems are a matter of the difference in taste or philosophy which I have. Other problems are quite fundamental.
In my opinion it's pretty straightforward to please me, but most programmers simply do not think like I do. Well.. I'm going to endeavour to learn to program so I can write the apps I require. There's just too much crap. Way too much.
See also:
Platform / Computer / Hardware > Operating System > Operating environment > Software > Projects (or whatever)
A set of applications which run on a computer's operating system. They allow a person to actually make use of a computer. These applications are the link between the user's desires and fulfillment of those desires, e.g. projects.
This topic is the never-ending quest for a comfortable operating system and suite of software.
Operating environment >
Software >
This is more of a rant than a project. See /tag/text-editors and especially /tag/text-editors+live.
more coming later
Platform (computer) > Linux (distribution) > X > Window manager > Operating environment >
This topic tends to be particular to Linux. Other operating systems like Windows have their own "window managers" integrated into every version.