
All posts tagged personal

This is a permanent work in process

I never lose

Intelligence >

"Adulting" can be thought of something like the young following instructions until they actually become an adult. The idea is that being an adult is more than just age. Adulting a statement of wanting to be a proper adult.

This is a huge and complex topic, but the interest I have is to whittle it down into manageable pieces which can at least be roughly explained. It's likely this will be a zombie project for as long as I'm alive. .. maybe longer. :)

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Projects > Time management >

You are chained to things that make you unproductive. Unproductive not only in terms of your responsibilities but also your desires. They are a strain not only on your time but also on your peace of mind.

Unplugging targets a wide number of associated things, freeing up time and considerations to be put toward things which are specifically-desired. Instead of effort being put toward problems, passion is put toward desires.

This action is meant to take the whole day, and be regularly repeated. It is meant to be a defined branch of time management and a fundamental philosophy.

The right way to go about all of this would be to print this off. Better yet, write it all out by hand; make it yours.


This original concept was written quite differently: Unplugging--2007-05-27

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A set of exercises created by practicing psychology clinicians and academics, demonstrated to improve lives.

People who spend time writing carefully about themselves become happier, less anxious and depressed and physically healthier. They become more productive, persistent and engaged in life. This is because thinking about where you came from, who you are and where you are going helps you chart a simpler and more rewarding path through life.

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Outliers, by Malcolm Gladwell - cover

It was Aug 2009 when I wrote I've put in my 10,000 hours. Rather than updating that post, I'll save it for history and completely rewrite it.

A long time ago, Malcolm Gladwell was on The Hour, and he talked about his "10,000-Hour Rule" from his book Outliers. When I saw that interview, I realized I've put in my 10,000 hours on a couple of topics now.

However, when I now think back on it, I see a big difference between the "expertise" 10,000 hours of intuitive interest, versus 10,000 hours of practice with a learned skill.

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